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Yes, provided that all milks that are being homogenized together fit the requirements for kashrut: the milks must from kosher animals (cows/sheep/goats but not camels etc.) and that the milks are not processed with any animal products.

Additionally, the Orthodox Jew musr make sure that the milk is drunk at a separate mealtime from the consumption of any meat.

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10y ago
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11y ago

Whole milk refers to the milkfat content of the product. Other types are skim milk (fat free) and semi skim (low fat) milk.

Whole milk can be homogenised, but all milk that is homogenised is not whole milk.

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15y ago

Yes as a matter of fact nearly all the milk available today is homogenised.

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12y ago

Yes, most milk is both.

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Q: Can Orthodox Jews drink homogenized milk?
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Does fat-free milk need to be homogenized?

no, homogenized milk does not have the fat removed.

Can Jews drink pig milk?

No. Jews cannot drink pig milk according to the laws of Kashrut.

Is homogenized milk a mixture?

Homogenized milk is still a mixture. The milk still contains water, fat and other minerals such as calcium. Homogenized milk only looks instead of settling at the bottom of a glass.

How is homogenized milk made?

By sucking the soul out of the milk.

Is it safe to drink homogenized toned milk in the pack without boilling it?

If the milk has been pasteurised or sterilised, the product should be safe to drink without boiling.Pasteurisation and sterilisation kill off the bacteria in the product that can make you sick.

Is homogenized milk a compound or a mixture?

Homogenised milk is a homogeneous colloidal dispersion of the milk solids in the liquid milk. The colloidal particles are sized as per the requirements in high-speed colloidal mills. It is not a heterogeneous mixture.

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Can Jews drink 2 percent milk?

Yes, religiously observant Jews can drink 2% milk so long as the milk is from a kosher animal and nothing has been added to it to render it non-kosher.

How do you use homogenized in a sentence?

In America, milk is homogenized to prevent separation of the cream.Homogenized milk is milk where the fat particles have been broken apart into very small particles by high sheer.

Is Whole milk a compound or a?

Compound, because it has water as well as homogenized milk.

When was the first successful sale of homogenized milk?


What is Pasteurized homogenized toned milk?

Pasteurized is milk that has been warmed to 72c to make it safe to drink and to kill bacteria. Homogenized milk has been treated to disperse the fat globules. Toned milk is whole milk with skimmed milk powder and water combined.