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Depends on the size of the pieces.

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Q: Can you eat 72 pieces of lead without dying?
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Yes, you can.

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Depends, Are you Fat?

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yourself would be a good anbnbnbnbnnh

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nahhh, chop it to pieces

Can you eat a piece of glass without dying?

There's a percentage that you will live don't think you should do it.

Is it possible to eat a plane without dying or getting gas?

Well no, but you also become a bird and eat planes for the rest of you life.

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This depends on the type of fish

Can you die if you eat a piece of lead?

You can die from eating but it depends from how much you eat. If you eat to much your stomach inside you could just like explode inside. Your stomach can only hold a certain amount. From that certain amount if you go over it you die. But also it depends what you eat. You have to make sure what you eat isn't to sharp or poisonous.

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yes because whoppers dont have a lot amount of chocolate

Can a midget eat their weight in cheese without dying?

Sure, given enough time we all can. Unless of course you're lactose intolerant.

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kill it and eat it