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Why in Gods name are you using them 10 times a year? That is not how they are meant to be used. Get a proper contraception and don't misuse Plan B, it can mess up your period.

Like I said, it can mess up your period but it has no lasting effect on your ability on getting pregnant apart from that. It only works when you take it.

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Q: Can you fall pregnant after taking morning after pills when using them ten times a year?
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How many times should the pregnancy pills be used if fails?

You need to specify what "pregnancy pills" is. There are no magic pills that makes you pregnant.

What if your girlfriend is late taking her birth control pills multiple days in a row?

If your girlfriend is late taking her birth control pills multiple days in a row there wouldn't be such a worry as her getting pregnant but she may start spotting because of the inconsistencies with the times of her taking the pills. The pills should be in her system by then. Unless, it's her very first pack of pills and she's in that first seven days. If that's the case, you guys should use backup protection to be safe.

Why is taking pills such a big deal?

taking pills is such a big deal because some pills is bad it gets you high and some times you go crazy only take pills that doctors or the hospitol give you

What is the risk of getting pregnant if you were taking ortho cyclen and you were an hour late taking a pill and had sex that night?

As long as you are not taking the birth control pills different times each day consistently, you should still be protected. The good thing is that you did not forget to completely take the pill. You were only an hour late, you are fine. However, to be sure that pregnancy does not occur, continue to take your birth control pills at the same time that you were originally taking the pills, every day at the same time.

Does taking two pills at once three times a day help you ovulate when your period is delayed?

No, taking birth control pills is designed to prevent ovulation, not induce ovulation.

You were taking the Triquilar pills to avoid pregnancy but still you got pregnant you took the pills for around 15 days more Will there be any side effects on the baby due to overdose of these pills?

Don't worry. There are usually no well-documented side effects to the child whose mother took modern birth control pills for a short period of time until she discovered she was indeed pregnant. The levels of hormones in modern birth control pills are many times less what they were when originally introduced in the 1960s. Most women today take low-dose or "tricyclic" pills, all of which have fairly low level hormones. However, if you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test or consult your physician as soon as possible. There is always a slight risk of taking any medication when pregnant. Consult your physician if you need more peace of mind.

Could I be pregnant if my boyfriend came over my underwear but I am on the pill and sometimes take it a couple hours late?

There are least chances of you getting pregnant. Pills will protect you from getting pregnant. You take the pills late by couple of hour late at times. That does not lower the efficacy of the pills. But you must get the periods with in a week of finishing the course of your pills. Other wise you have to consult your doctor.

If you taking the contraceptive Levlen Ed and you skip the non-hormonal tablets 3-4 times to miss several periods and only take the hormonal tablets can you get pregnant?

Skipping the placebo pills does not increase your risk of pregnancy.

What is the possibility of pregnancy with taking pregnancy pills?

If you take your pill EVERYDAY at the SAME TIME the birth control pill is 97.9% -99.9% effective. If you miss a pill or switch times, you reduce the effectiveness. I was on Yaz when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I had been taking it at 8 am everyday and was 10 weeks when I found out I was pregnant by accident at a regular pap appointment. It does happen!

Does pregnant women can feel evening sickness?

yes. pregnant women can feel sick all times of day not just morning.

Can you get pregnant missing 2 pills?

Depending what pill you are taking and if it is missed early or late in the cycle, yes 2 pills missed together - or in one cycle could lead to pregnancy and you should use a back up method like condoms until you have taken The Pill, 7 times in 7 days.

What is breakthrough bleeding when you are on birth control pills?

According to AskDocWeb, breakthrough bleeding is bleeding that occurs during the time that you are taking the active pills, that is, at times other than during the placebo pills. This can occur when you are becoming adjusted to taking the pills for the first time or if you have been off them for a time and are beginning them again. This is usually an adjustment situation and not serious.