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It is safe to feed most veg to your horse but potatos are toxic and should not be given. Carrots,swedes,turnips, cabbage are ok.

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Q: Can you feed a horse raw garden vegetables?
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What percent of dog owners feed a raw food diet?

I don't know what percent feed their dogs a raw food diet. But my family and i did. our dog was a raw foodist for at least 6 years. We also feed her a raw egg which made her coat really shinny. She loved all veggies, nuts, and fruits but her favorite thing to eat was durian!!!

Can you feed squirrels raw pumpkin seeds?

Yes, you can and they love them.

Do raw eggs help with dogs vommiting?

No. Raw eggs can cause problems with iron absorption in the diet. Do not feed raw eggs to your dog.

What are the best vegetables and fruits for bunnies to eat?

Fresh vegetables are very important in a rabbits diet.Good vegetables for rabbits to eat are -alfalfa, radish and clover sproutsbasilbeet greensbok choybroccolibrussels sproutscabbage - greencarrots and topscelerychardchickweedcilantroclovercollard greenscoltsfootdandelion greensendiveescarolegreen peppersgroundselkalemintmustard greensparsleypea pods (a.k.a. Chinese pea pods)peppermint leavesradicchioradish topsraspberry leavesromaine lettuce (NO iceberg or light-colored leaves!)sheperd's pursespinachturnip greenswatercresswheat grassAvoid liquidy foods like tomatoes and oranges because they can induce diarrhea.

What can chooks eat?

Do not feed them potato peelings and not too much bread, which gives them the runs!. They also love cooked pasta but be careful as it is loaded with carbs, which will make your hens fat. Chickens cannot eat raw potato, onion, and garlic. Your chickens cant have to much acidic vegetables and fruit. Chickens can eat oyster grit, chickens pellets and other veges

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How old do guinea pigs have to be before you feed them raw vegetables?

Guinea pigs are able to eat raw vegetables from the day they are born.

Can you feed your horse raw or cooked eggs?


Do horses eat vegetables?

Yes they like carrots,swede,cabbage.But never feed raw potatos as they are toxic.

When was Raw Feed created?

Raw Feed was created in 2006.

Do raw vegetables cause flatulism?

Some raw vegetables can cause gas or flatulism. Raw broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, cucumbers and cabbage are the worst offenders.

Can bearded dragons eat canned veggies?

Nope... canned vegetables are suspended in brine. Brine is essentially salt water - which will eventually cause the lizard harm. ONLY feed raw vegetables (sparingly) - and their natural diet of insects.

Is salt in vegetables?

In the raw vegetables no salt or extremely low concentrations.

Can you eat raw vegetables?


Can horses eat raw eggs?

Yes horses can eat raw eggs, they are an excellent muscle builder and conditioner. Eggs do contain an anti-vitamin though and should not be feed constantly, but are a valuable addition to the diet of a horse in good condition. You can feed 6 a day for 3 or 4 days.

Why is it recommended to wash fruits and raw vegetables before eating them?

It is recommended towash fruits and raw vegetables before eating them because some fruits and vegetables may contain pesticides on their them.

what do dogs eat for breakfast (joke)?

Toast is ok for an occasional treat, but it is not a great idea to feed every day for breakfast. Dogs do best on meat and vegetables, raw meaty bones, raw chicken necks and wings and meat based products

Can you feed horses squash?

Yes they can it's known to help with horse ulcers