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If you're under 18, it's more then likely you won't have credit, so you would either need a co-signer or your parents to get the loan and just pay them

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Q: Can you get a loan at 16 for a scooter if i have a job to pay for it?
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Can you get a loan if your 16 and working?

The 16 year old is a minor and by federal law CANNOT sign a legal document. It does not matter whether the 16 year old has a job or not.

What is is scooter smiff age today?

Scooter Smiff age is 16 years old in 2013

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How old do you have to be to ride a motor scooter?

For a scooter 50cc , you have to be 16 at least. On a slower one, it is 12 and up.

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Is driving at age 16 making money?

if you have a good job and can pay your own insurance and gas

Do you have to pay child support if your 16 and never had a job?

If you made the baby, then you had better get a job and provide what you can. This is true for at least the next eighteen years.

Can you get a loan if I am 16?


What is the minimum age in Florida to drive a motor scooter or an electric scooter on the road?

The legal age to ride a motor scooter in the USA is 16. The driver is only allowed to drive a scooter up to 125cc in engine size.

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How old is the normal boy when they get a phone?

12 or 13, some kids have to get a job at 16 to pay for it themselves