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i think u can i do believe i bought mine i bowerstone market.

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Q: Can you get a lute in Fable 2 in bloodstone?
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The seedier place in Fable 2 is Bloodstone.

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bloodstone is a town that can be found when you do the hero of skill quests in fable 2. you will have to travel through a place called wraithmarsh to get there.

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Bloodstone. They're prostitutes though.

Where do i find the slip to buy bloodstone palace in Fable 2?

It's next to the door, on the left.

Where are the produce stalls in Fable 2?

Bowerstone Market, Oakfield, Bloodstone, and Bowerstone Old town.

Is there a temple of yokels in fable?

Not in the original Fable, or Fable, the Lost Chapters. There is one in Fable 2, located in Bloodstone (it is the start point of the quest "T.O.B.Y", and is not a real temple, just a house (You can buy it later on in the game))

How do you change your hair on in fable 3?

Go to the bowerstone or bloodstone barber.

Fable 2 where to find evil wife?

If you want an evil wife try searching Bloodstone, or one of the bandit towns.

How do you get passed the Demon Door with the Lute in Fable 2?

You have to hold it until he tells you to end with style. The he will open. :)

Where is the strumpet skirt in Fable 2?

It's actually called Tart Skirt, and you can find it all over the place, traders in brightwood, bloodstone for sure. The sketchier the area the faster you will find it!

Where can you buy puny carrots in Fable 2?

You can buy puny carrots in bloodstone produce trader. But only if the economy is two star.

How do you find Treasure Island of doom quest in Fable 2?

you get to the quest with reaver and after he askes you for renown go out of bloodstone mansion and it will be a new quest