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You can get it from that, yes. Antibiotics kill all the bacteria incl the good ones.

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13y ago

Yes. Antibiotics can cause yeast infections.

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Q: Can you get a yeast infection from medications?
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Related questions

What yeast infection medications are easier on the liver?

The creme you buy over the counter will not reach the liver. None of the medications for yeast infection do. They are not for oral use. Yeast infections usually clear up by themselves within 2 weeks.

Are over the counter yeast infection medications okay to take after pregnancy?

Yes they are.

Can you take a morning contraceptive along with yeast infection medication?

There are no known drug interactions between yeast infection medications and levonorgestrel morning after pills like Plan B and Postinor.

Are over the counter yeast infection medications ok if you are pregnant?

Stick with the creams and topical ointments like Mycelex and Nystatin. Avoid oral medications.

Can clonazepam cause a yeast infection?

Typically Clonazepam (Klonopin) will not cause a yeast infection. Medications that are likely to cause a yeast infection are antibiotics.

Can you use an over the counter medicine for yeast infections during pregnancy?

Yes. You can use a cream or a suppository just avoid the oral medications for a yeast infection.

Can a yeast infection be a sign of chlamydia?

A yeast infection is not a sign of chlamydia.

What colour is your vulva if you have a yeast infection?

do you smell bad? then you might have a yeast infection. are you having nasty discharge? then you might have a yeast infection. are you having vaginal pain? then you might a yeast infection.

Can i use fucidin cream on a yeast infection?

Fucidin is typically used to treat bacterial infections on the skin rather than yeast infections. If it's a vaginal yeast infection, over the counter medicines such as miconazole (which is in Monistat) or clotrimazole are typically used at the source of the infection at bedtime. There are also oral medications that must be prescribed by a doctor, like fluconazole.

Is a yeast infection the same as a fungal infection?

There are different types of fungal infections.A yeast infection is a specific type of fungal infection (candida yeast).

Just became sexually active a week ago so what does it mean when your vaginal hole itches when you pee but there is no discharge could it be a bladder infection or yeast infection?

I HAVE NO IDEA! Hi, You may have a yeast infection because of the itching. It is very easy to take care of that. They have all types of over the counter medications for that. Monistat works pretty well with yeast infections.

Is a yeast infection a virus?

Yeast infection is caused by fungi, not by a virus.