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yea if you have your parents signature

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Q: Can you get married to your sixteen year old boyfriend if you are only fourteen years old?
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You are fourteen your boyfriend is seven years older can you get married?

No. You'll be happy about that soon enough.

How long does dachshunds lived?

Fourteen to sixteen years.

What is the parental consent law for underage cohabitation in Alabama?

The age of consent in Alabama is sixteen. The age to be married with parental consent is fourteen years old.

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Trish married her boyfriend and high school sweetheart of fourteen years, Ron, on September 30, 2006.

When can a person in Victoria legally get married?

If by Victoria you mean the Australian state, and not the English one, then females can be as young as fourteen - men, sixteen. However, you will have to have your parent's and judge's/magistrate's permission. Once a female becomes sixteen, she will then only need a parent's permission, and it is entirely her decision after eighteen years of age (likewise with a male eighteen-year-old).

How many human years does a jack Russelll dog live?

Jack Russel's would to anywhere between fourteen to sixteen, that is if they die naturally.

How Old are you in grade 9?

In the 9th grade you are between the ages of fourteen to usually sixteen.

Can you get a divorce if living with a man for fourteen years and he is married to another?

a man cannot be married to two women, your marriage is probably already invalid.

Why did Walter and tremaine Hawkins divorce?

I feel its a private matter and it should stay that way!!!!!!!!!Type your answer here...Yes, she's been married to Tommy Richardson Jr for sixteen years

How old do you have to be to drive in Michigan?

Without another licensed driver, sixteen years of age. With another licensed driver, fourteen or fifteen, depending on weather you have a license or not.

What was Temujin's wife name?

Borje, he was married at sixteen after having picked his bride with his father seven years earlier.

Is he Sixteen years old?

Is he sixteen years old? Anonymous