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No, you cannot get pregnant on your period because there is no egg to fertilise. You can however get pregnant as a result of sex during menstruation because in the right conditions sperm may life up to seven days, by which time you may ovulate. Always use birth control when having sex.

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Q: Can you get pergenant while on my period?
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Can you get pregnant while on your period but no sperm came out after sex during my period?

Yes you can get pregnant while on your period -

Is it normal to have discharge while on your period?

It depends on what type of discharge. If the discharge is blood, then of course it is normal.

What is a dependent variable in science mean?

Typically in an experiment there will be one or more conditions that are varied while one or more other conditions are monitored and measured. The first type of condition is considered the independent variable, while the second type, the type you measure while varying the first, is called the dependent variable. For example, you might vary the weight of the mass at the bottom a pendulum while measuring the period of the pendulum when it is swung. The weight of the mass is the independent variable while the period is the dependent variable in this case.

What is a dependent variable mean in science fair?

Typically in an experiment there will be one or more conditions that are varied while one or more other conditions are monitored and measured. The first type of condition is considered the independent variable, while the second type, the type you measure while varying the first, is called the dependent variable. For example, you might vary the weight of the mass at the bottom a pendulum while measuring the period of the pendulum when it is swung. The weight of the mass is the independent variable while the period is the dependent variable in this case.

What does the term frequency mean?

The amount of times something happens within a certain period of time. In Herz, and while talking about sound, this would be the amount of waves every second.