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No. If the IUD is not expelled by chance, it will continue to give you protection by three years. I have seen the ladies, who have inserted the IUD and then forgotten about the same. This may be detected, may be after five years, when you ask a leading question to her.

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Q: Can you get pregnant on IUD if you been on it for 3 years?
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Is my chances of getting pregnant higher than average after removal of my 3 year IUD?

Yes, the IUD does not affect future fertility. If you don't want to get pregnant, be sure to use an alternate method.

Can you be pregnant when you have and IUD and having periods and is the IUD causing me to have my period?

You can, but it's very rare. Often, women spot during the first few days/weeks of pregnancy at around the time when their period would have been because the fertilised egg implants in the womb lining and ruptures some blood vessels and many women mistake this for their period.

Can it hurt you if your IUD is 3 years past removal?

While the hormonal IUD can't be relied on for birth control after its removal date, there is no harm in leaving the IUD in place after its removal date.

You have been trying to fall pregnant for 3 years?

Go see a doctor.

I had 3 kids then had the Mirena for 4yrs had it removed 2 and a half yrs ago my husband and I have been unable to get pregnant my dr diagnosed me with pcos is my pcos due to having the IUD?

Can be, but women also get PCOS with age and with having kids. I am 23 and have PCOS. There is no link between having an IUD and PCOS.

What is the hormonal IUD contraceptive method?

Hormonal IUD is an effective contraceptive method. The IUD (levonorgestrel intrauterine device) is a hormonal method. It is a small, T-shaped piece of plastic. The IUD is put into the uterus. Once there, it makes the lining of the uterus thinner and thickens the mucus of the cervix. This prevents the sperm from fertilizing the egg. IUDs offer 3, 4 or 5 years of protection (depending on the type). If you want to get pregnant, you can have the IUD removed. IUD are one of the most effective methods. 99 in every 100 individuals using this method will manage to prevent pregnancy. To know more visit website.

How to become pregnant After you've tried for 3 years?

You can always try speaking with a fertility doctor if you have been trying to get pregnant unsuccessfully.

Do you ovulate with Mirena in your uturus?

Yes, you can still ovulate while having an IUD in place.

I've had the IUD Paragard for 2 years and I'm 3 weeks late in my period is this normal?

I am 4 weeks late and have had the paragard for 4 years. I have negative hpt and I am wondering if I still could be pregnant. I am really tired and I have gained a few pounds. Good luck!

You have an IUD and you are on the pill can you stil get pregnant?

Depending on the type of IUD (some have expiration dates), so if your IUD has expired or is not positioned properly in the uterus, it is no longer providing protection. With the pill, if taken perfectly it works 99.7%-99.9% of the time, so 1-3 women out of 1000 will still get pregnant. In the real world its effectiveness is approx. 97% because people forget or miss pills. So even though unlikely,it is theoretically possible to get pregant using an IUD and the pill.

You have an IUD and about four weeks ago you had a biopsy done on your cervix now you are 3 weeks pregnant is there any way that the doctor moved the IUD?

I would consult a health clinic and ask them to get a 2nd opinion. You will need to find a doctor that it is not in the same health system as they usually stick together. Alternately, get an ultrasound and find out if the IUD is at the fundus. If so, the doctor didn't move the IUD.

Are there IUDs that only last 3 years?

Any IUD (Mirena or Paragard), can be kept for 10 years OR removed at any time (6 months, 1 year, 3 years, 7 years, whatever).