

Do hamsters take a bath

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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You CANNOT give Dwarf Hamsters a bath. It can cause respiratory problems, and because of how small they are, they can die from them. What you CAN do though, is buy special Rodent Sand from a pet store. They love to dig and play in it, plus, you can get sand that smells good, if the reason you want to give your Dwarf Hamster a bath is because it smells bad (I know mine does). Make sure you get the SAND not the DUST.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Bathing removes natural and essential oils from the hamster's coat, which can cause the hamster to catch a chill and die. Bathing should only be done in exceptional circumstances, like if your hamster has paint, varnish or anything toxic on its coat that may harm it if it licks itself or ingests it. The hamster will clean itself if it is dirty and the substance is not toxic.
yes, but it might get a cold

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14y ago

no, they wash themselves very well. if you are finding that they smell a bit then it is their cage. if where they are sleeping smells then so will they. clean it out and you will find that they will smell fine again after a bit.

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13y ago

Hamsters clean themselves, if u would want to bath it there is a bath spray that u can get from pet stores, you just spay it on them making sure none goes in the eyes.

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How do dwarf hamsters take a bath?

They clean themselves.

Do hamsters need to take a bath?

yes, they do.. and they wont drown.

Where do hamsters bath?

take a q tip an wet it or use your finger tip

Do teddy bear hamster like to take a bath?

No, hamsters don't like getting wet. And you shouldn't give your hamster a bath in the first place, it can get pneumonia.

How do hamsters bath themselves?

Hamsters lick their paws and fur; they clean themselves.

How do you give a hamster a bath?

you do not give a hamster a bath it will get a disease like wet tail and will surely die. A hamster shall not take a bath. it will really hurt the hamster and sooner die.

When do hamsters need a bath?

every 95 years

How recently do you have to bath hamsters?

3 times a week

Do robo hamsters need a bath?

No, and actually that would electrocute them

Can teddy bear hamsters take a bath?

No- no hamsters can't take baths because they hate water and it makes them very ill and they die!Hamsters groom themselves and so don't need to be washed so baths won't be necessary anyway.If they are smelly from 'someone' not cleaning their cage they can use Chinchilla dust bath, available at most pet stores.

How do you give your 2 week old baby a bath?

The question that you asked is listed in the HAMSTERS category, and hamsters don't need baths.

How many times do hamsters need a bath?

Hamsters need baths atleast once a week or up to two times a week