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Argon gas is used in windows.

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Q: Can you give an example of a gas used as an insulator?
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What is a gas often used as an insulator?

A gas often used a an insulator

What is perlite used in?

Hi there, Perlite is used as an insulator on board Liquefied Natural Gas Tankers. This is used as a thermal and fireproofing insulator to reduce the risk of fire and explosion

Is a flame an insulator or a conductor?

Flame is composed of very hot gas; as such it would not be used either as an insulator or as a conductor, but one could make an argument that it is a conductor, since it does conduct heat and since it does contain some ionized gas, it can conduct electricity.

Why is gas a good insulator?

its gay

Give 10 example of gas?


Is gas a good insulator of heat?


Which type of matter is the best insulator?

Styrofoam is the best material to use as an insulator. Styrofoam is the best insulator, since the temperature of the water in the styrofoam glass decreased the least. If you mean what "state" of matter is the best insulator then you're probably looking for gas as the answer. The state of matter that is best as a thermal insulator is gas.

How do you change a gas into a liquid give an example?

To change from a gas into a liquid you must cool the substance. For example: water vapour to water.

How do you change a gas into a liquid give example?

To change from a gas into a liquid you must cool the substance. For example: water vapour to water.

Give an example of a gas?

Air : actually a mixture of gases.

Can you give at least 5 example of a gas solution?


Name each state of water and give an example?

Water, liquid and gas, as well as Nevada, South Dakota, and Delaware.