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Yes. Herpes lives in the nerve cells not the blood.

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Q: Can you give plasma if you have herpes?
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Does having herpes prevent you from donating plasma?

Currently having chicken pox (herpes virus) would prevent you from donating plasma (since you would be 'unwell'). Having had chicken pox in the past will not prevent you donating plasma or blood. Currently having shingles ( a reactiviation of the chicken pox virus) would prevent you from donating plasma/blood (again, you would be considered 'unwell'). However having a cold-sore (again, herpes virus), or minor herpes on a small patch of skin should not prevent you from being able to donate plasma/blood.

Can you give plasma if taking acyclovir?

No. You can not give plasma if taking acyclovir.

Can a dog with herpes give it to humans?


Can you have herpes type 1 an give it to your baby just by kissing her?

Yes, the common cold sore is a form of herpes.

Is it ok to swallow semen if your partner has herpes?

No. Herpes is a virus and can spread. Most likely you would get cold sores around your mouth. Cold sores are herpes simplex and the same as genial herpes. The person you are having sex with will give you herpes if it is active.

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Can you give plasma after taking a niacin pill?

It's it safe to donate plasma and take niacin pills

Can you give me an example of plasma in a sentence?

The doctor asked the nurse to get some more plasma. The plasma ball was great, when i touched it the electricity came towards my hand.

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Can you put a paper clip in your mouth?

no. it will go up to your brain and give you herpes.

Did john rone give herpes to Karen quatman or did Karen quatman give herpes to john rone?

John Rone had the herps before he started screwing around with Karen Quatman. If she has them she got them from one of her previous affairs or he gave them to her.

Could you give your son herpes from feeding him food from your mouth?

Yes, it is highly probable. Herpes is contagious and any skin on skin or fluid contact will contract the disease.