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A pap smear will not affect the baby at all.

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14y ago
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9y ago

Pap smears do not harm a pregnancy. They are a normal part of prenatal care.

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16y ago

No, it is a normal part of pre-natal care and it will not harm the fetus!

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9y ago

Yes, you can have a pap smear while pregnant. Pap smears are a normal part of prenatal care.

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14y ago

A regular pap smear? No.

A colposcopy with possible biopsies? Maybe, but not likely.

Either way, the baby is safe on the other side of the cervix.

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6y ago

pap smear is test it not any conaction with pregnancy but if it positive then it cause complications

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9y ago

A pap smear is a screening test for Cervical cancer. It is a normal part of prenatal care. It does not harm the pregnancy.

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10y ago

A pap smear is a normal part of prental care. It does not affect pregnancy.

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9y ago

A pap smear can't harm a pregnancy. It is a normal part of prenatal care.

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Q: Will a pap smear harm the baby if done in early weeks of pregnancy?
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If you fell that early in the pregnancy chances are slim that it would effect the baby.

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They can, they likely won't until 42 weeks, however if mom or baby is having a health problem they may induce early because its safer then continuing the pregnancy

How early can you give birth in pregnancy?

I think the earliest baby that ever survived was 21 weeks? But babies born early are very sick and do not survive a lot of the time. The earliest that is normal to have the baby is 37 weeks, which will be about 3 weeks before you due date. I had my last baby at 35 weeks and he was 6lbs 9oz and very healthy. It's dangerous to have it earlier than that because the lungs haven't developed enough for the baby to breathe on its own.

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