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Yes , Crohns patients can have children. Of course it is depending of what medications you are taking for the Crohn's, some medicines used to control the disease can effect the baby if you get pregnant while taking them.

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14y ago

Absolutely Yes. Many couples dealing with Crohns have children. Crohns disease can effect sexual desire when active but while in remission it does not usually effect fertility. It does not extend to the sexual organs. Malnutrition during a flare can reduce fertility but only when the disease is active. Cramping and pain may temporarily reduce sexual desire.

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15y ago

Most studies have demonstrated that men and women with crohns disease do not have decreased fertility compared to the general population. The reduction in birth rates among women with crohns seen in some of the studies is probably more an effect of patient choice rather than a consequence of disease-related infertility.

Sexual dysfunction in both men and women with crohns appears largely attributable to depression and fatigue.

The severity and extent of a woman's disease when she becomes pregnant appears to influence the course of her disease during the pregnancy. More than half of women patients in remission will stay in remission through the course of the pregnancy. Women with active disease are likely to have continued active disease throughout the pregnancy. Doctors usually recommend that women try to conceive while their disease is in remission.

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14y ago

Yes, there are many Crohns patients who conceive and raise children. There are usually no reasons for a woman not to get pregnant due to Crohns disease.

See Related Links for more information.

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The protien diet is a low-carb and high protein diet. More information is available at the following:

Can a person have esophageal spasms first then later on get Crohns disease?

Crohns symptoms can occur from mouth to anus. It is likely the original esophageal spasms were symptoms of Crohns disease that were undiagnosed until later.

What are the effects of the flu on a person with crohns disease?

Actually, the symptoms of Crohns disease are very similar to those of the flu. Most undiagnosed Crohns patients believe for a long period of time that they actually have the flu when in fact they are having a flare of Crohns disease. On the reverse, a veteran patient of Crohns will often experience the symptoms of the flu and suspect they are having a flare. The treatments for each are very different, so a Crohns patient needs to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Can crohn's disease be linked to drug abuse?

No. Drug abuse history has never been linked to Crohns disease. Children as young as 3 can develop Crohns disease. Crohns is not something you have done to yourself.

What are the chances of passing crohns to your offspring i am a female without Crohns but my boyfriend has crohns Can we have a heathly child?

Crohns disease has not yet been proven to be genetics. People develop Crohns with no family history or having any sort of digestive system issues. The belief that Crohns disease exists is because of today's medical advancement. Peoples immune systems are not as strong as they once were because of immunisation shots and such, this disease is on the UP and more and more people are being diagnosed. So it is hard to say what chances are of your offspring acquiring the disease.

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Will Crohns disease cause the uvula and other areas of the throat to swell?

Crohns disease can cause symptoms anywhere in the digestive tract, from mouth to anus. It is unlikely Crohns disease would be the first suspect for a swollen uvula or sore throat but eventually, after eliminating the usual suspected causes, a test for Crohns could verify that diagnosis.