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Q: Can you have one family name and one saint name for confirmation?
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Significance of choosing a confirmation name?

An additional name at confirmation is not strictly required, but it often recommended as a sign that one is entering on a new way of life. The name is often that of some saint the person would like as a patron to whom to pray.

Who is a good male saint for confirmation?

St. Peter the Apostle is a very good Saint for Confirmation. Another good one is St. Francis of Assisi.

Do you have to choose a confirmation name?

Basicly, to pick your Saint name for confirmation, you just have to research on all saints and pick one you 'look up to.' Many people just pick a name that sounds nice... As easy as that sounds, it may not be so easy to write your report. I am receiving confirmation this year, amd I chose Saint Isabel because she was a great person, she always put herself last. So, get researching to find out what your confirmation name is going to be!!!

What is the most common confirmation name?

If you're getting confirmed, pick the name of a saint that is closest to your first name. If there is none, pick one that's closest to your middle name. Eg. my middle name is Marie, so my saint was Maria Goretti

Is Emma a saint's name used for Confirmation?

Yes, there are a number of saints named Emma and any one of them would make a good patron.

Is Rihanna a saints name as I need one for confirmation?

Not as a Catholic Saint: Closest I know of is St. Rhian (A Welsh Abbot) but that is a male name - Rhianna possibly is a feminisation of it (?) You do know it should be about what the Saint means to you, rather than a cool name. Have a look at the link below for some female saint names:

Why do people choose a saint's name for their confirmation name?

It's a Customary Tradition expanding on their taking a Christian Name for their Baptism. The Confirmation is part of the "Rites of Initiation" of the Sacraments. Note that the naming is a "custom", and separate from the purvue of "Sacred Tradition". As a custom it is also Optional, meaning don't stress if one is not taken (as I didn't). Some people also use their confirmation name in place of their Middle name

How do you pick a saint name for confirmation?

No it does not. The so called Saints which the Catholic church call certain righteous people, is purely a Catholic tradition. All disciples of Christ are called Saints. The name that you call a child can be any name you choose.Catholic Answer:If you are a Catholic being confirmed in the Catholic Church you must choose a Saint for your confirmation name. Males must choose a male, females a female. The Church desires this in order that you will have a heavenly patron to aid you in the battle ahead as you move forward in responsibly living and sharing your Faith. The Saints are set before us by the Church that we may imitate them in their devotion and fidelity to God. She, therefore, asks us to choose one we that may particularly wish to emulate in our life and whom we may call upon for special intercession with God in trials and in joys. Minor Correction:Girls may choose a male saint's name and boys a female name for confirmation if they so choose.

Hey my name is Siobhan and I haven't decided my confirmation name does anyone have any suggestions?

you should do Sebastian hes the saint of sports Answer: What about your God Parent name, they would like that. You take the one you you are the same sex with.

Why should a person choose a name for confirmation?

When you were baptized your parents chose your name and patron saint. You had no choice in the matter. Now, as a young adult you have the opportunity to choose a saint you wish as a special patron, someone you can emulate and use as a protector and role model..

What is the name given to one awaiting confirmation or baptism?


Is there a Saint Cynthia or another patron saint one with that name could take?

I can find no saint by the name of Cynthia.