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Actually if you hold a "fart" it infects body or bowel causing the to shut the hart down causing him/her to die(if you do it to much) so don't hold in your "farts"

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12y ago
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13y ago

tense your muscles in such a way that the gas from your fart, move back into you bowel. This is not recommended

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Anybody can but if you do your stomach will hurt like crazy after a while.

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10y ago

you spread out your legs and push slowly and as hard as you can and then squeeze your buns and then your fart should squeeze its way out of your bum hole!

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11y ago

By the neck while squeezing.

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Q: How do you hold in a fart?
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not to much. It would be kinda weird to fart really loud thou. ( Don't hold in your fart, you'll just fart louder!)

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Yes, i have held one in for five.

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No idea but I seriously doubt it lol

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How do you make the ultimate fart?

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Is it good or bad to fart?

From a health standpoint, it's better to let it out than hold it in.