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No you can check if it is fretile that way but to incubate it and make them most lickly hatch you need to get an incubator and put it at about 100 degrees F for about 21 days, you must also turn them 2 times a day to keep them from growing only on one side

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Q: Can you incubate a chicken egg with a flashlight?
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What temperature must a chicken egg incubate?

99.5 degrees Fahrenheit

Why is it important to incubate a chicken egg with the pointed end down?

because or eles it will become a dragon

How do you use incubating in a sentence?

Incubating the eggs was necessary for their survival.

Why do you have to incubate chicken eggs?

In order for an animal to stay alive it must stay warm. While the egg is still being formed inside the mother hen her body the yolk, which has the embryo on it, is kept warm by the hen. When the egg leaves the hen it has no other source of heat to stay alive. This is why you have to incubate fertilized chicken eggs that you plan to hatch.

What do use to incubate eggs?

an egg incubator

Can you incubate an egg in a dehydrator?

yea nah

Did chicken came from egg or egg came from chicken?

(Answering this from non-religious POV) If you think about it, it would make sense that the egg came first. (All birds are hatched out of eggs) But then that rouses the question, "Well then what incubated the egg?" Then you have the side, "Well, obviously the chicken came first because it could incubate the egg and hatch more chickens" But where did THAT chicken come from? It's one of life's age old questions. As we all know, the chicken (nor the egg) didn't spontaneously generate. (That theory was disproven rather easily) But if I had to give you the easiest answer I would say the chicken. (But then again, it is possible another animal incubated the chicken egg by accident.. Then AGAIN (x3) where did THAT egg come from, hm?)

Are chicken eggs aborted chicken?

Balut. A fertilized egg, with a partially developed embryo, boiled, is a Filipino delicacy. I like to add a little salt.

How do you hach a website?

First you need to incubate the egg...

How do you incubate a guinea egg?

Typically 28 days.

Can you wash chicken eggs then incubate them?

You can but you have to put it in a warm place

Do you still incubate Leo eggs when you cant see a pink membrain?

you will more than likely still incubate the egg