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if they are not visible then yes, hopefully not high up on your neck!!

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Q: Can you join the police force with tattoos on you neck?
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Related questions

Is there a limit on tattoos when you join the marines?

A limit of 4 tattoos none on the head, neck, hands, and fingers also no sleeves. Tattoos cannot pass sleeve when wearing short sleeve

Can police have tattoos?

Most precincts will allow you to have tattoos, but they do shy away from people who are covered in them. Of course, there is nothing permitted that is gang related or racist in anyway, and they do not allow visible tattoos such as on the face, neck, or hands much like the military.

Can you join The French Foreign Legion with tattoos and a criminal background?

Depends on the criminal record. They no longer accept people with major crimes. Tattoos are fine even on hands and neck.

Can you have tattoos on your neck in the air force?

Short answer yes. However because it is visible while in uniform you will need to have your recruiter approve it. As with all tattoos it will need to be free of obscene and vulgar images or racist or inappropriate words.

Is it illegal to have tattoos on your neck or hands?

not where i live

Can you become a police officer with a tattoo on your neck?

Most agencies will still hire recruits with visible tattoos on their lower arms, if the tattoos are not offensive. However, some agencies are moving toward a "no visible tattoos" policy and will not hire recruits with tattoos that will show when wearing a short-sleeved uniform.

What does dat tattoo on Lil durk neck say?

Lil Durk has multiple tattoos, including some on his neck. The one on his neck says 'Blessed". He appears to like the tattoo lifestyle and wrote a song about tattoos.

Are pauley perrette's tattoos real?

most of the tattoos are hers but the spiderweb on her neck and cross on her back are fake.

Who is the Latino actor with full neck tattoos?

Robert LaSardo

What tattoos does jacoby shaddix has on his neck?

It' the Chinese sign for love.

Will getting a neck tattoo affect your future job?

Yes of course. For some reason tattoos are socially unacceptable, and if you have tattoos on any exposed areas such as hands and neck then careers are likely to be affected.

Can you have tattoos on your arms and join the army?

Yes, as long as the tattoo's can not be considered gang related, sexist, extremist or offensive in any way. The US Army has one of the most forgiving tattoo policies when it comes to enlistment, just contact a local recruiter and let them make there own assessment to determine eligibility.