

Can you legally move out at age 17 if im pregnant?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Pregnancy does not affect how old you are. Age of majority varies from state to state, but is usually 18.

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Q: Can you legally move out at age 17 if im pregnant?
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Can a 17-year-old female in Georgia move out of her parents' home without their consent?

Yes, you can move out at the age of 17 in Georgia. That other guy has no idea what he is talking about. You can legally move out at 17 and can get approved emancipation at the age of 15 or 16 (not sure which) if you are pregnant.

Can you legally move out of your house at 17 in Idaho?

No, legally you cannot move out at age 17. You become an adult the age of 18 in Idaho. Until that age your parents are responsible for you and where you live.

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Yes, you are legally able to move out of the house when you are 16 years of age.

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You can legally move out at age 17, because you considered an adult then.

Can you move out of your house legally at 17 in Kansas?

No, legally you cannot move out at 17 in any state. You become an adult the age of 18 in Kansas. Until the age of majority your parents are responsible for you and where you live.

If you are 17 and pregnant and live in Missouri can you move out without your parents consent and if not what can you do for this situation without their consent?

possibly. since you are 17 i think you can move out legally as long as you are living with some one over 18 years of age.

Can a 17 year old move out without being pregnant legally in Georgia?

no idia

Can you legally move out of parents home at the age of 17 in Utah?

You can legally move out of your parents' home when you are no longer a minor. In Utah, that is 18.

Can you legally move out in the state of Tennessee at the age of 17?

No, 18 is the legal age to move out without parental permission or emancipation.

What all options do you have to move out at the age of 17 and not get in any trouble?

Legally? You don't.

Can you legally move out of your parents house at the age of 17 in the state of Virginia?

No, age 17 is not the age of adulthood. In Virginia, until you are 18, you are still their responsibility.

Can you legally move out at the age of 17 in Texas?

No, the age of emancipation is 18 so only if you have parental permission.