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No! Seriously, you should ask a doctor this question.

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Yes, if the thyroid is keeping your hormone levels up to an optimal level by itself.

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Q: Can you live without medicine after partial thyroid removal?
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What is the consequences of taking hyperthyroidism medicine without surgery or removal of the thyroid gland?

HypERthryoid patients can often be maintained for years on anti-thyroid medicine (ATD's) when dosed correctly by a knowledgeable thyroid specialist (endocrinologist who specializes in thyroid patients). However, liver values must be watched regularly to be sure liver function is not compromised.

Can someone survive without their thyroid gland?

Yes it is very possible to survive without a thyroid gland. After the surgerical removal of the thyroid, say abt 4-6weeks after, the patient is given a pill of radioactive iodine. After this, the patient would be on iodine pills for life so as to aid the production of the thyroid hormone which no humna can survive without. I hope Ive been able to answer your question.

Can you die if stop taking thyroid medication?

What happens after discontinuation of thyroid meds is entirely dependent upon which thyroid meds you are taking. Thyroid supplementation is necessary for life and without it you will die. If the meds you are taking are slowing down the production of thyroid hormone because you have hypERthyroidism, then the thyroid will again overproduce hormone and you will become sick. If you have cancer and choose not to have RAI, you may have a recurrence of your cancer.

How long can you go without your thyroid medcine if you take 75mg once a day of levtroycine?

You should not miss a dose of your thyroid medicine if it is taken once a day. You will need to call your doctor to get a new prescription as soon as possible.

Can a Doctor take your Thyroid glands out and live without your Thyroid glands?

Lots of people live without thyroid glands, but they have to take synthetic thyroid. Typically the glands aren't surgically removed, they are killed with ingested radioactive iodine.

Can you live without thyroid medicine?

At age 50 after 25 years of thyroid replacement therapy (armour thyroid for 20 years until I stopped absorbing it) I tried T3 but it had just come out and was not yet time released which was not pleasant. Finally after much research and with a master Homeopath who assured me it I could live without a thyroid I went on Homeopathic thyroid replacement . The main remedy is Iodine.(with the premise that the pituitary gland will take over) I felt very good for several months but as time went on I became very constipated. After almost one year I gave up on the Homeopathic program because I was slowing down to a standstill and kept gaining weight. Now I have been once again on T3 for a year , doing much better as it is now time-released. So I would venture to say that yes you can live without a thyroid for about one year.

Can you have kids if you were born without a thyroid?

usually yes you can

Can you live with half a thyroid?

Yes, people can live without half of their thyroid. However, most people living with half of their thyroid need to take prescribed daily thyroid medication, as directed by a physician. Thyroid medication helps to replace thyroid hormones that aren't being produced by a fully functioning thyroid gland.

What happens if you don't take thyroid medicine?

Well most people just feel constantly fatigued, like you can't get enough sleep, or like the inside of your throat is swollen, you may even get a mild fever. If the thyroid (TSH) is over 10 then you may experience other things like increase risk for heart disease, increase risk of infertility / misscariages, wieght gain can also occur. In severe cases some people can go into a fatal coma. But most people will go around feeling like they have no energy.

What system is affected by the removal of the thyroid gland?

The removal of the thyroid glands would result in the person not being able to produce T3 (triiodothyronine), T4 (thyroxine), and calcitonin. These three hormones are essential to maintaining the proper rate of metabolism in the body and the production of bone. In most cases, people choose to have their thyroid removed if they have hyperthyroidism. This can result in a disease called Grave's disease in which the eyeballs protrude. Sometimes this is referred to as 'bug-eyes.' If a person has their thyroid gland removed, they will have to take medication for the rest of their lives in order to maintain proper health.

Why can you not live without medicine?

You can live without medicine, nobody lives forever.

Can you live without your thyroid gland?

The outcome of this surgery is usually excellent. Most people will need to take thyroid hormone pills (thyroid hormone replacement) for the rest of their lives.