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Doing this you will still lose muscle. The only reliable way to lose fat and keep muscle is exercising.

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Q: Can you lose weight and not lose muscle if you stay on a liquid diet but also take vitamins and drink protein shakes?
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Is it ok to drink protein shakes if you lift weights?

yes! protein shakes help you build lean muscle. If you work out as well, it will speed up the process and you will build muscle. The best times for taking protein shakes are in the morning and right after working out. When you work out, your muscles tear. The protein shakes fill those tears to help build muscle faster.

Can you gain muscle without protein shake?

No, if you drink protein shakes and dont work out.. That protein will turn into fat. The reason people eat protein while working out is because they want that fat to turn into muscle. I suggest you workout while drinking protein shakes or dont drink the shakes at all.

What nutrients does the body need to develop properly?

Nutrients are usually considered to be essential factors in promoting life: They could possibly be:oxygenfoodwarmthtouchsafetyencouragement

Would whey protein shakes stunt women's growth?

No they will not. The protein shakes are very healthy. Protein is one of the basic building blocks of muscle and the growth and repair of tissue.

Are protein shakes really worth the money?

Protein shakes will not instantly build muscle. So if you use them do not expect them to show results the next day. You have to work out or do some kind of exercise for them to do anything.

What do most weight loss shakes include?

They usually include vitamins and some include protein. You can also make your own shakes, which is best, because you can add anything you like to them.

Will drinking protein shakes be beneficial if you want to build muscle more quickly?

If used properly --of course. If you want to be hardcore about it just drink liquid egg whites. No sugar. No fat. Tastes like cr-p. Super high in protein.

What does john Abraham eat to build muscle?

I read that he is a vegetarian, so he takes a lot of protein shakes.

Are there steroids in muscle shakes?

Not in the ones sold in local stores. They just contain high concentrations of protein.

Why might one drink whey protein shakes?

One might drink whey protein shakes to help supplement their diet with additional protein. Whey protein is a very fast absorbing type of protein so it is very useful for building and repairing muscle tissue after weight training.

Are protein shakes as healthy as they say they are?

Yes, protein shakes are healthy if they are taken within the limits and before workout which helps to strengthen muscles, but you have various options like which is a perfect blend of natural ingredients and protein too which help you to get tough muscle.

Do the protein shakes at golds gym work?

It depends on what your goals are and what shake you are taking. Protein Supplements are a necessity for any bodybuilder post work out. Protein shakes alone won't give you muscle if you aren't training hard enough. Personally I make my own shakes that are good and much cheaper, but there shakes are very good as well. So if you eat right, and train hard...then yes there shakes work.