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Yes, but you will die. Yes, but make it a fast, you need to drink a lot of water, eat all the fruits, vegetables, your want, some nuts seeds and beans. The more leafy greens the better. If you are overweight this will be good.

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16y ago
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13y ago

well, it can be very harsh on your body and metabolism to suddenly stop eating, and you could potentially shut down your metabolism. If you want to lose weight start gradually by eliminating fattening foods and work your way up to eating less and less. However, never eat any less than your doctor advises. However, you can never excersise to much!

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Martel Jenkins

Lvl 5
3y ago
  1. Maintain A Low-Calorie Deficit

You have to maintain a calorie deficit in order to lose belly fat. This means burning more calories than you consume.

Research shows that a huge calorie deficit leads to loss of fat and muscle. But a low-calorie deficit can allow you to burn fat without losing muscle.

A huge calorie deficit also adds physical stress to the body and this makes it harder to lose belly fat.

Maintain a deficit of 15 to 25 percent of your total daily calorie intake. If your total daily calorie intake is 2000 calories, maintain a deficit of 300-500 calories.

  1. Increase Your Protein Intake

Increasing protein intake has several benefits:

Protein will prevent muscle loss

Protein will keep you full for long

High protein intake helps reduce abdominal fat

Assuming you’ll be doing strength training, eat 1-1.4 grams of protein per pound (2.3-3.1 grams per kg) of your body weight.

  1. Begin Strength Training

Strength training will help prevent muscle loss and it can actually increase muscle mass even when on a calorie deficit, research shows.

Frankly, you can’t lose belly fat without losing weight if you don’t do strength training.

I may also note that strength training will be more rewarding if you’ve never done it before.

But don’t start your workouts with too much enthusiasm. Start slow then increase intensity as you get fitter.

2 or 3 workouts a week work best for beginners. After a few weeks, you can advance to 4-5 workouts a week.

If you would like to receive some additional info on How To Lose Fat Around Your Midsection please email me at [weightlosswarriorz @ Gmail .com] Remove The Spaces and I will send you the requested info. (For Free)

  1. Avoid Long Cardio Workouts

Long steady cardio can cause skinny-fat syndrome, especially if you don’t do strength training.

Plus, doing lots of cardio while on a calorie deficit can cause muscle loss. Research also shows that long steady cardio can lead to overtraining.

If you have to do cardio, limit it to less than 30 minutes per session. But realize that high-intensity exercises burn more fat and will give you a better look.

  1. High-Intensity Training (HIT)

Research shows that high-intensity exercises have better fat burning effects than steady cardio.

According to this study, 2 minutes of high-intensity training has the same fat burning effect as 30 minutes of steady cardio.

High-intensity training is effective because it boosts metabolism during and after a workout. And it also increases muscle mass.

Combining strength training with high-intensity exercises will help you lose belly fat without losing weight.

  1. Correct Your Posture

Sometimes the stomach sticks out because of poor posture, not excess belly fat.

A curved back, rounded shoulders, and forward head posture can make your belly look bigger.

Luckily, bodyweight exercises can fix these posture issues.

Do corrective exercises consistently and be patient because it takes time to correct poor posture.

You may also want to avoid slouching while sitting, sticking your head out in front, and other bad habits that ruin posture.

  1. Properly Manage Stress

Stress and high cortisol levels cause weight gain. Even worse, research shows that high cortisol levels make fat settle around the abdominal area.

Meditation, yoga, exercise, walking, and quality sleep are proven ways to reduce stress.

I want to stress the importance of sleep – lack of quality sleep can hinder belly fat loss. Make sure you get 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

Again, If you'd like more info on How To Lose Fat Around Your Midsection please email me at [weightlosswarriorz @ Gmail .com] Without The Spaces and I will forward over the info you need. (Free Of Charge)

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14y ago

Exercise a lot. If you are up to it, try to measure your food intake.

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11y ago

Yes, you can lose fat and replace it with muscle ,which weighs more.

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Q: Can you starve yourself without exercise and still lose weight?
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How much weight can you lose if you starve yourself for 2 weeks?

Starvation is not the answer to achieving weight loss ... exercise is ... lots of exercise. Food is an essential to survival.

How long do you starve yourself till you lose 5 pounds?

You should never starve yourself to lose weight, this is very dangerous. A well balanced diet and exercise are the best ways to lose weight.

How do you starve myself to lose 60 pounds?

It is unsafe to starve yourself in order to lose weight. The best way to lose weight is by eating a balanced diet and lots of exercise.

How do you starve yourself until you've lost enough weight for a boyfriend?

You don't You eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

If you starve yourself how long will it take to lose 20 pounds im 115 pounds?

If you starve yourself, you could die before you lose the 20 pounds. Weight loss is achieved best by balanced diet and lots of exercise.

How long can you half starve yourself and just eat some slim fast products?

You should never starve yourself; starvation diets will always fail and you will inevitably regain any weight lost. The only way to lose weight an keep it off is to eat healthy and get regular exercise.

What do you do to lose weight without starving yourself?

go for runs, and exercise more.. eat beter. drink heaps of water, but dont starve your self! its the worst thing to do! just eat heaps well.. & cut out the extra fattystuff that you dont need! you, can do it! believe in yourself! PEACE!

If you are starving yourself to lose weight and start eating again how do you prevent weight gain?

Don't starve yourself to lose weight. Your body will just gain back all the weight you lost. you see when you starve yourself your body needs something to use for energy AKA calories, so it takes what you have stored, which sounds really attractive but once you start eating normally again your body stores the calories again. so the healthiest way to lose weight is exercise regularly and eat a healthy balanced diet.If your starve yourself to lose weight, then once you start eating. Start with soups and smoothies and gradually introduce light solids. This should help prevent weight gain. Eat a healthy diet, and exercise is always recommended.

You dont know whever you should starve yourself or no?

never starve yourself! that is completely unhealthy! if you want to lose weight talk to your doctor.

If you starve yourself and develop good exercise habits when you go back to eating will you still gain it all back Even if you continue the exercise?

If you starve yourself, and go back to eating, you will never go back to eating properly, because of the phyciatric problems you would have. But possible if you develop good eating patterns along with exercise, you will have a good feeling and will Not gain any exess weight if you do it properly.

Is it good to starve yourself to lose weight?

No. Starving yourself to lose weight is not safe, nor is it effective in the long term,for weight loss.

How many pounds will you lose in a week if you starve yourself and exercise?

If you starve yourself and exercise for a week, you could probably lose anywhere from 5 to 10 lbs. But, that will mostly be water weight and not the weight from fat that you are hoping to lose. When you starve yourself, your body goes in "starvation mode," meaning that everything you eat is stored directly as fat because the body conserves as much energy as possible to keep you alive because it thinks you are starving to death. Therefore, it would take you longer to lose that ten pounds of by fasting rather than eating healthy and exercising.