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Yes, and the mass may also be held in a Catholic Church, but the non-Catholic getting married may not receive the Eucharist.

AnswerYes, if you want to marry someone, you should marry him/'s your life, you're the person getting married, your choice. According to the Catholic Church...In Catholic Theology, all valid baptisms are Catholic baptisms. This is because Christ instituted but one sacrament of baptism which He gave as the rite of initiation to His Church. The Church has discerned that anyone can be the minister of baptism and, as a result, anyone can administer baptism. Thus, any baptism that is performed validly - that is according to the correct matter and form - is a Catholic baptism and is accepted as valid by the Catholic Church. For this reason, the baptisms of most Christian denominations are received as valid and their members are identified as validly baptized provided the denomination has not changed the form or matter. If there is any doubt, the person can be conditionally baptized.

The above is important since a Catholic may not marry someone who is not baptized. If the person is validly baptized but is not a Catholic, the Catholic party must seek to secure a dispensation from the Church in order to become married to the non-Catholic party. The dispensation is contingent on the Non-Catholic party willing to have the rite preformed in a Catholic Church, witnessed by a Catholic priest and with the agreement that any future children of their union are to be reared Catholic. The dispensation is granted at the discretion of the celebrating priest.


Catholic AnswerNormally a Catholic is forbidden to marry outside the faith. For a "mixed marriage" as you describe, you need to have permission from your Bishop. You would need to speak with your pastor and discuss your reasons for doing this. If you have good enough reasons - which should be very good, then the non-Catholic can apply for the permission you need if the two of you go through pre-Cana classes, and are showing good faith. You need to be sure that you can live your faith and raise the children in the faith. As one man I used to work with used to say, "you're going to be dead for a long time." Although I wouldn't use his phrasing, the point is that you are only on earth for a short period of time. The reason God put you on earth is to serve Him and to prepare yourself to enter heaven. In other words, the reason you would marry a non-Catholic is that you somehow discern that it is God's Will for you do so, and that in doing so, you will be furthering the chances of your eternal salvation AND his or hers. Remember, marriage means that you are responsible for helping your spouse attain heaven, as well as working out your own salvation. My personal advice is to take this very slowly. Take a year or more to make sure that your faith is firmly established, and to get to know this person better so that you are absolutely positive that you are not endangering your soul, or your childrens' souls. Any person that is worthwhile and really loves a Catholic person should be more than willing to genuinely convert and then the two of you would be working together towards the same end.


from The Catechism of the Catholic Church, second edition, English translation 1994

1633 In many countries the situation of a mixed marriage (marriage between a Catholic and a baptized non-Catholic) often arises. It requires particular attention on the part of couples and their pastors. A Case of marriage with disparity of cult (between a Catholic and a non-baptized person) requires even greater circumspection.

1634 Difference of confession between the spouses does not constitute an insurmountable obstacle for marriage, when they succeed in placing in common what they have received from their respective communities, and learn from each other the way in which each lives in fidelity to Christ. But the difficulties of mixed marriages must not be underestimated. They arise from the fact that the separation of Christians has not yet been overcome. The spouses risk experiencing the tragedy of Christian disunity even in the heart of their own home. Disparity of cult can further aggravate these difficulties. Differences about faith and the very notion of marriage, but also different religious mentalities, can become sources of tension in marriage, especially as regards the education of children. The temptation to religious indifference can then arise.

1635 According to the law in force in the Latin Church, a mixed marriage needs for liceity the express permission of ecclesiastical authority. (Cf. CIC, can. 1124) In case of disparity of cult an express dispensation from this impediment is required for the validity of the marriage. (Cf. CIC, can. 1086.) This permission or dispensation presupposes that both parties know and do not exclude essentials ends and properties of marriage; and furthermore that the Catholic party confirms the obligations, which have been made known to the non-Catholic party, of preserving his or her own faith and ensuring the baptism and education of the children in the Catholic Church. (Cf. CIC, can 1125)

Note: In other words, you need to speak with your pastor right away, if he approves of the marriage, he will seek the appropriate dispensations from the Bishop.

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14y ago

If you yourself are not Jewish, then marrying someone who is not Jewish is most likely the norm,
and preferred in your family and your community.

If you yourself are Jewish, then marrying someone who is Jewish is generally the norm, and is preferred
in your family and your community. Also, the majority of rabbis will decline to participate in a Jewish wedding
in which a member of the couple is not Jewish.

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13y ago
Roman Catholic AnswerNo, not without special express permission from his Bishop. This is called disparity of cult (marriage between a Catholic and a non-baptized person). It requires particular attention on the part of the couples and their pastors. Basically, it requires express permission from your bishop. You should talk to your pastor as soon as possible about this. If he approves, then he can get the proper forms submitted to the Chancery for the Bishop's permission. The following are the relevant paragraphs from the Catechism.

from The Catechism of the Catholic Church, second edition, English translation 1994

1633 In many countries the situation of a mixed-marriage (marriage between a Catholic and a baptized non-Catholic) often arises. It requires particular attention on the part of the couples and their pastors. A case of marriage with disparity of cult(between a Catholic and a non-baptized person) requires even greater circumspection.

1634 Difference of confession between the spouses does not constitute an insurmountable obstacle for marriage, when they succeed in placing in common what they have received from their respective communities, and learn from each other the way in which each lives in fidelity to Christ. But the difficulties of mixed marriages must not be underestimated. They arise from the fact that the separation of Christians has not yet been overcome. The spouses risk experiencing the tragedy of Christian disunity even in the heart of their own home. Disparity of cult can further aggravate these difficulties. Differences about faith and the very notion of marriage, but also different religious mentalities, can become sources of tension in marriage, especially as regards the education of children. The temptation to religious indifference can then arise.

1635 According to the law in force in the Latin Church, a mixed marriage needs for liceity the express permission of ecclesiastical authority. (Cf. Codex Iuris Canonici, canon 1124) In case of disparity of cult an express dispensation from this impediment is required for the validity of the marriage. (CF Codex Iuris Canonici, canon 1086) This permission or dispensation presupposes that both parties know and do not exclude the essential ends and properties of marriage; and furthermore that the Catholic party confirms the obligations, which have been made known to the non-Catholic party, of preserving his or her own faith and ensuring the baptism and education of the children in the Catholic Church. (Cf. Codex Iuris Canonici, canon 1125.

1637 In the marriages with disparity of cult the Catholic spouse has a particular task: "For the unbelieving husband is consecrated through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is consecrated through her husband." (1 Cor 7:14) It is a great joy for the Christian spouse and for the Church if this "consecration" should lead to the free conversion of the other spouse to the Christian faith. (Cf. 1 Cor 7:16) Sincere married love, the humble and patient practice of the family virtues, and perseverance in prayer can prepare the non-believing spouse to accept the grace of conversion.

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14y ago

Yes. You just have to be married in the Catholic church for the marriage to be recognized in the church.

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