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Not unless you have been emancipated or you have parental consent.

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Q: Can you move out if you are a 16-year-old girl living in Louisiana?
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In the state of Louisiana can a girl move out of her house at seventeen?

yes you can move out at 17 in Louisiana. I did it!!! i told my parents i was leaving and i left and they called the cops and there was nothing they could do about it...and I'm living with my boyfriend...

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Who did the President Van Buren forced to move to the Indian Territory?

The Indians living east of the Louisiana purchase

Can a 17 year old girl move in with her 18 year old boyfriend in Louisiana?

If she has parental permission. Otherwise she will either have to be married or turn 18 in Louisiana.

Can a girl of 17 move out without parents permission in Louisiana?

Not at age 17 in Louisiana, they can only do so if the parents give their permission to do so. Otherwise they will have to wait until they turn 18.

Can a 16 year old who is pregnant and living in Florida move out with no parent permission?

Can a 16 year old girl who is pregnant and living in Florida move out without parental permission?

Can a 16 year Louisiana girl move out of her parents home?

if shes a mature 16 yr. old then she sould be able too

How do you now if a girl move?

Well, if you go to her house and there's a different family living there, that might be a clue.

In Louisiana at age 17 and just had a baby can I move in with my boyfriend and his parents without my mom's consent?

No not until he stops living with HIS PARENTS and get a real job. And you are to young!!!!!!!!!!!

Can a 16 yr old girl in Louisiana move out of her parents home if they are abusive physically and verbally and move into a stable home of a friend without the parents permision?

Yes. As long as they're being abusive.

What is the cheapest way to move from Louisiana to Texas?

The cheapest way to move from Louisiana to Texas is to move yourself if you have a truck. U-Haul and other moving companies are very expensive to use.

In Louisiana can a 17 year old girl move in with her 18 year old boyfriend and him not get in trouble for it?

only with a parents consent, doesn't matter where it is in the US a minor is still a minor.