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It all depends on your body and metabolism. Swab tests are the most inaccurate of the currently available types of lab tests for toxicology and drug screens (urine, swab, blood, hair.) Usually Marijuana stays in your system for 30 days.

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saliva tests very rarely show up positive after a 24-48 hour waiting period.

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Q: If you smoked marijuana fifteen days ago can an oral mouth swab detect that?
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How far back does mouth swab detect marijuana?

The average mouth swab detects use for up to 48 hours.

What is mouth swab test?

A mouth swab test or a saliva drug test is mainly used because it is cheaper than urine or blood tests. It can show if an individual has recently taken any type of drug, but they're not as complex as urine or blood tests. For example, if you have smoked marijuana recently - the mouth swab test can usually detect it for up to 4 or 5 days. If you smoke marijuana and have a urine test done, it can be detectable for up to 30 days if you are a frequent smoker.

Job interview in 4 days you smoked marijuana about a week ago and the job wants to do a mouth swab will it show up?

yes it will a mouth swab can go back four years

Can I be clean if I haven't smoked marijuana in twenty one days I am up for a mouth swab drug test Will the test show that i am clean?

I think mouth swabs are with in a week only. I could be compeltly wrong though.

Do different mouth swab drug tests detect drugs in your system from 6 months ago?

Depends On The Drug. If Its Just A Marijuana Drug Test Just Was Your Mouth Out With Peroxide About 10 Minutes Before The Test.

What is the furthest back a mouth swab can detect marijuana?

12-24 Hours for TCH and 48 for meth and opi's

How do you pass a mouth swab if you smoked this morning?

You don't.

How long can a mouth swab drug test detect marijuana?

Usually 12 hours. But in some cases up to 78 hours if you're not healthy enough to produce new cells quickly.

How long does marijuana stay for a swab test?

This is not a professional opinion, but I don't think long at all. My friend said smoked a blunt in the morning, rinsed his mouth out with Listerine, and then passed a swab test later on in the day.

Will you pass a swab test if you quit smoking marijuana a month ago?

Swab tests can detect most drugs, time periods range from 2hrs - four days max.If you have used prior to this period, your mouth swab test will not recognize the presense of any metabolites. This is why random swab testing is popular, as changing the results of saliva would prove very difficult.Urine tests can detect the presence of THC if smoked occassionly 3-5 days and up to 30 days if smoked regular. The time periods would depend on the persons body mass (BMI) and how much they have used.

What are some effects of marijuana?

dryness of mouth

What would happen if you smoked pot through your nose?

It has the same effect as if you smoked it through your mouth. As klong as it gets to the lungs.