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I'm not an attorney but in my experience the answer is yes - that is one of the reasons people make sure there is money in their estate.

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Q: Can you pay for your fathers funeral out of his money if you are designated his executor on his will?
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If there is no money to pay funeral costs in the estate who is responsible?

If there is no money to pay funeral costs in the estate the executor is not personally responsible. The estate can be sued to have any assets sold and the funeral home is paid first.

Can you collect money from your dead fathers unclaimed funds if your step mother was the estate representative and she has since remarried?

No. If your stepmother was executor of the estate, she still is the executor and entitled to those funds, not you.

Your brother is the executor of your fathers will and has spent all the money can he get into any kind of legal trouble?

Unless he was the sole benificiary of the will, yes. He could be prosecuted for theft.

Does a step son have a legal right if not adopted to arrange his step fathers funeral?

not really, other family members may want to do it first. It will also depend where the funds are coming from to pay for the funeral. If there is no estate and it is the step son who has the money to pay for the funeral more likely than not, no other person will object. The only person that can take presidence is an executor who may be instructed in a Will to carry out such arrangements.AnswerNo. A step-son does not have a legal right to arrange a funeral unless that right was granted in a will or other legal document executed by the decedent.

Are executor fees taxable income if the deceased was a family member and the executor was also a beneficary?

There is a distinction between money the executor receives as compensation for administering the estate and money the executor receives as an inheritance. The fees are taxable income, the inheritance is not.

If your brothers do not have life insurance and you need enough to bury them if need be what can you do if they won't sign?

Do they have enough money in their estate to pay for their burials? How about pre-paid funerals? It's their funeral, let them worry about it. Are you in their will? Whose the executor of their estate?

When someone dies and that person has a insurance policy who gets paid first the funeral home or the nursing home?

Usually neither one because most insurance policies get paid to a beneficiary. That is a person who is designated as the person to receive the policy benefits. Most people that have a Will, probably will designate a Executor to help follow the wishes of the deceased, usually the Will details how the money left in the estate is to be distributed. The Executor has many responsibilities and some of those include paying outstanding debts, he or she usually has some discretion in deciding who or what to pay and in what order.

As an executor of an estate you received money do you pay taxes on it?

The fee paid to the executor is considered taxable income.

I have a full accounting of the estate funds and the executor took money from the estate how do get this money back from the executor I am a beneficary?

The executor is entitled to be paid for their work. The court has to approve the distribution and the fee they charged, which is often set by law. If the estate has been closed, you can sue the executor if they breached their fiduciary duty.

If your the executor of a will and you find the bank account has Pay upon death on it and it is not the executor who pays taxes on that?

I have been the executor of my mothers money, I pay her nursing home bills with it, she just died and i have 200,000 dollars left, do I have to pay tax on that money.

Is it unlawful of executor to spend estate money like its theres?

Yes. The executor should be reported to the court immediately.

What are executor's fees in Florida?

The executor's fees in Florida may vary. However, generally the executor's fees in Florida are around 1.5-3% depending on the amount of money.