

Can you play dj hero on your ds?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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Q: Can you play dj hero on your ds?
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Can you play with a guitar on dj hero 2?

No, DJ Hero will be the only game to have guitar songs.

Can you play the DJ Hero with DJ Hero 2 turntables?

Yes well you should be able to.

Do Guitar Hero 4 guitars work on dj hero?

You need the turntable for DJ Hero or else you cannot play.

Can you play jukebox hero on rock band?

No, you can on DJ Hero

Can you play a rock band guitar controller with dj hero?

Yeah it works with the DJ vs Guitar mode on DJ Hero.

Can you play dj hero songs with rock band?

DJ Hero is not exportable into Rock Band, if that's what you mean. DJ Hero is made by Activision and Rock Band is Harmonix.

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Do chavs play DJ Hero?

yes of course they do

Are Daft Punk in dj hero 1 or 2?

You can play Daft Punk songs in DJ Hero 1 & 2. But you could only choose Daft Punk as character in DJ Hero 1.

Could you put the dj hero hero turntable on dj hero 2?

Yes, the turntable from DJ Hero will work with DJ Hero 2.

Can you play DJ Hero without a turntable?

Yes you can use the controller

When did DJ Hero happen?

DJ Hero happened in 360.