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Your fertility will return quickly after removal of the contraceptive implant. Use another method if you don't want to get pregnant at thsi time.

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Q: Can you pregnant right after the removal of the implanon even if your on your period?
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How long after you have the implanon taken out do you have to wait to get pregnant?

1. Conception usually occurs about 5-7 days after intercourse2. Your most fertile period is about 5 days before ovulation3. For most(but not all) women ovulation occurs about 14 days prior to her period.

Can you get pregnant right before your period and then get your period?


Are you more likely to get pregnant right after your period is over?

No. You can get pregnant before, during and after your period.

Is it possible to get pregnant right before my period and no period a week later?

You can get pregnant at any time. Including during your period.

Can you get pregnant and still have your period right after?


What are the chances of being pregnant if sperm inters you days before your period?

You can get pregnant at any time of the month. But right after your period you have a less chance of getting pregnant, and right before your period because the egg needs to be in the tubes to be fertilized so if its the day before your period its not in the tubes.

Can a girl get pregnant right after her period is finished?

Yes, a woman can get pregnant directly after her period. Unless you want to get pregnant you should always use birth control.

What are the chances of getting pregnant right after your period if your boyfriend came in you?

You could be pregnant - take a test

Can you be pregnant if you had a period a week ago and then for two days you have brown discharge i had sex right after my period?

Its possible. You also could have gotten pregnant right before you period so you should wait a week then take a test.

Can you get pregnant on the last day of your period and also which is pregnancy most likely to happen during your period or with a condom?

Yes you can get pregnant on your last day of your period and if the condom is on right and doesn't break or slide off it's most likely to get pregnant on your period.

Can you get pregnant two months after a miscarriage and two weeks after your period?

Yes you can get pregnant right after.

Can you fall pregnant after a miscarriage without having your next period?

Oh yes, you can get pregnant right away after.