

Can you put glow fish fish in the same tank as guppies?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Can you put glow fish fish in the same tank as guppies?
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Do goldifish bite guppies?

They should never be in the same tank because Guppies are tropical fish and like to be kept over 70F and Goldfish are coldwater fish and like to be kept below 70F. So Goldfish should not bite guppies because they should never be in the same tank together...

If a fish tank has 14 goldfish and 21 guppies What is the ratio of guppies to the total number of fish?

3:5Guppies:Total Fish

Must guppies be in an all-guppy tank for it to mate or can it mate in a community tank?

They can be in a community of other tropical fish of the same size.

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Will 2 Guppy's be eaten by a goldfish?

The goldfish should never be in the same tank as guppies. Goldfish are coldwater fish and need to be kept below 70F. Guppies are tropical fish and need to be kept above 70F.

What type of fish swim at the top of the tank?

opline gourami, guppies ,hatchet fish

Guppies in a fish tank do they produce acidic alkaline?

All fish produce Ammonia.

Can a betta fish be put in a 5 gallon tank with 4 guppies?


Can glow in the dark guppy fish be in the same tank as a betta fish?

Not unless you want the guppy thing to be eaten.

Are there any other fish that can be kept in the same size and type of tank as a betta fish?

yes a lot of smaller fish can. like 2 zebra fish and a snail. or 2 guppies and a snail.

Can guppies live in an unheated tank with a black moor?

No. its usually not a good idea to put different types of fish in the same tank... one type may be eaten.