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The only way to answer that is by calling Medicaid and asking them if you qualify.

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Q: Can you qualify for Medicaid if you are pregnant and living with your parents and their insurance does not cover maternity?
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Why are there so many people without health care insurance if you have medicaid?

Medicaid is exclusively for parents with young children of low-income levels, pregnant women, certain seniors, and people with disabilities. If you are an able bodied person without children between the ages of 21 (or 26 if your parents' insurance will cover you) to 64, you get *nothing*.

Can a 17 year old apply for medicaid if pregnant without parents consent?

Your parents are obligated to pay for your health care until you are emancipated and you should be on their health insurance if they have one. Since you live at home, I assume, medicaid would look at the income for the entire household and you would probably make too much. If not your parents would have to apply since you are a minor. After the baby is born you can get help for the child unless you have a separate health insurance for her then.

How do you apply for Medicaid when you are fifteen and pregnant?

You may receive Medicaid at age 15 if you meet eligibility factors, principally citizenship and limited income/assets.If you are living with one or both parents, the state will take their income and assets into account when deciding on your eligibility. If you are living apart from your parents, the State will likely grant Medicaid to you and contact them about reimbursement.

Can a parent receive financial aid if their minor child is pregnant?

No, pregnancy is not covered by any governmental services. Your daughter should take a job while she is pregnant. Check to see if your health insurance will pay for her medical. She might be eligible for Medicaid if the family (parents, pregnant minor and any siblings) has limited assets and their income is less than 200% of Federal Poverty Level.

Is a 19-year-old dependent daughter covered for maternity care?

it really depends of each individual insurance. If the 19 year old is a full time student, she would be fully covered under your insurance. Also, some state laws require parents to cover a dependant child until a certain age (thru age 19 or sometimes even 23). if the child is covered under the insurance, a pregnancy would be covered.. meaning all prenatal care, post natal for the mother and delivery, including hospital and physician fees. The baby however, will not be covered. The dependant of a dependant is not typically a eligible covered dependant on any insurance plan. I've seen insurance plans that would cover a 19 year old child dependent, but, when you check the maternity benefit, she won't be covered unless there is a complication with the pregnancy. If your insurance plan covers her as a dependant or student then she will be covered for her maternity. Most insurance policies will not cover a dependant grandchild, it depends on your individual plan. I have not seen any plans in my company that do. You may need to look into applying for Medicaid for the grandchild. As stated above if the 19 year old is a qualified dependent then it should be covered **IF** the parents policy covers maternity. Maternity is not automatic coverage in all circumstances and is a benefit that is being made optional with much greater frequency in those states where the insurance company is not obligated to include it.

Can you apply for Medicaid and live with parents?

If you are less than 18 years old, your parents' ability to support you will be considered in determining your eligibility for Medicaid.

If you already have Medicaid and your pregnant and want to get married to the father of the baby will me and he baby still be able to have Medicaid?

After approval for medicaid due to pregnancy, both you and your unborn child should remain covered by medicaid through the duration of your pregnancy, plus two months past the month of childbirth. After the birth of your child, the baby should be eligible for newborn medicaid. Both parents of an eligible child may or may not become eligible for medicaid, depending on income and other factors.

Can you add your parents to your medicaid plan if they are your dependents?


Who is medically responsible for a pregnant 18 year old in arizona?

She is since she is emancipated. If the parents have a health insurance she might be on that one and being pregnant does not change that. The birth and the baby is something the parents, not the grandparents, have to pay for.

How does Medicaid work?

Medicaid provides care for indigent citizens under age 18 and their parents, persons over age 65, and those permanently and totally disabled. Medicaid is supervised by the Federal government, administered by the States, and funded by State and Federal taxes. [N.b., as a result of health insurance reform, by 2014 Medicaid will be available to any indigent citizen, regardless of age or disability.]

What types of insurance does CHIP offer for sale?

The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is available in multiple states in the U.S. What this program provides is child coverage for parents whose income meets a standard of modesty above that of Medicaid.

Are you covered under your parents health insurance if you are pregnant and a minor?

This will depend on the kind of health insurance your parents have. Some health insurance may cover pregnancy while others do not. You will need to contact your insurance agent and ask them about your family coverage.You should also have a insurance booklet that states what treatments and doctor visits are covered and what is not covered.