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B vitamins have a distinct odor. and you can smell them on your breath if you burp soon after taking them.

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9y ago

Generally no. Though you may be able to smell some foods which contain vitamins.

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Q: Can you smell the vitamins you ingest?
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How much semen can be ingested before its dangerous?

Full of vitamins ingest away, assuming no std's aids etc.

How do you produce energy?

You ingest the food that you eat and the vitamins that you swallow. Your stomach turns it into human energy and then it goes to all of your body parts by veins.

Why do vitamin B tablets smell awful?

The B complex vitamins are bright yellow and have a pungent smell due to the riboflavonoids present.

Why does your urine smell like the vitamins you are using?

Any excess vitamins that your body hasn't absorbed but that are water soluble leave your body in your urine.

What vitamins are synthesized by bacteria in the human intestines?

The colonic microflora in the large intestine help to synthesize certain vitamins. The primary function of the large intestine is to salvage energy from carbohydrate not digested in the upper gut.

Why does your pee smell funny?

The color and smell of your urine has to do with what you've been eating. A lot of times, taking vitamins can alter that. Asparagus is infamous for it too.

Will this supplement make my urine smell funny?

All B-Complex vitamins get excreted through urine so urine will have yellow color and will smell different.

Why do vitamins smell?

other sources say thiamine is the one that smells the most awful. so if it has high amounts of thiamine then chances are it is going to smell pretty bad.

Where does digested food end up?

Your body absorbs vitamins and minerals from the food you ingest, and anything left over that isn't burned/stored for energy shows up as stool.

What when taken with Tetracycline will prevent the absorption of tetracycline into the bloodstream?

Iron products, antacids and milk should not be taken at the same time as a dose of tetracycline. You can take the medication an hour before you ingest vitamins containing iron, antacids or milk or you can take the medication 2 hours after you ingest these items.

What fruits contain vitamins?

different fruits contain different vitamins. Oranges and citrus fruits contain Vitamin C. You would be safest saying Vitamin C.

Do goats ingest?

Yes. Ingest means "eat."