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I don't think that it would be a good idea to mix medications. The results could possibly be fatal or really bad. Consult your vet. Only do so if you absolutely have to.

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Q: Can you start your dog on his prednisone if he recently had half of dog aspirin?
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What can you do for your dog who has bad hips and its hard for him to get up?

Half tab of buffered aspirin.

How long do corticosteroids stay in your system after stopping?

The time steroids remain in your body depends on the particular medication. In the case of Prednisone, it depends on how long you were on the medication for. If you were on it for five months, it'll take five months to leave your system entirely.

Who lives was save just by taking a aspirin a day?

Hard to say how many lives aspirin has saved. It is true that small daily amounts of aspirin, half a tablet, is good for older people and those with some cardio-vascular problems. However, a chat with your Doctor is advisable first.

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symptoms?? no symptoms. For me, side effects include: moon face swollen feet lost half my hair gained 30 lbs. bi lateral knee pain that sent me to the ER twice acne awful stretch marks

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Wikipedia says that the half life of Aspirin effectiveness is variable depending on the kidneys, pregnancy, dosage, etc. In a heathy individual it should take about 4.9 hours for the effectiveness to be cut in half.

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The first half of the series will start on April 23rd, the other half will start in September.

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Will Bayer aspirin show up on a drug test?

A drug test for ASPIRIN? The only reason I can think of to test for aspirin is as part of an adulterants test--some people think putting crushed aspirin in the sample will throw off a test for something legal. Aspirin is the most commonly used legal drug on the planet and testing for it would nail half the people tested. It is also not a drug of abuse--slug back a whole bottle of aspirin and you'll just puke. There's no drug test for aspirin.

Can aspirin be taken with methadone?

caffeine will increase metabolism. so yes it can drop the half life the methadone although more then likely, it will not be a significant amount.

Why is 81 mg and not 80 mg the aspirin dose for children?

This is a vestige of the old system of measuring medications in grains. Follow the math, 1 grain = 64.79 mg 5 grains = standard aspirin dose = 323.99 mg or about our current dose of 325 mg. When we started doing research on the efficacy of Aspirin; we found that for cardiac prevention half of the standard dose was effective (i.e. 162.5 mg). Then we figured out that half of the new dose would also work or 81mg .... This is at least the story that is passed down in medical school ... beware - half of what you hear in medical school is wrong, we just don't know which half ....

When does Doctor Who start in 2011?

The first half of the series starts on April 23rd, it will then take a break and the second half will start in September.

What pill clean weed out of system?

Quit smoking at least 48 hours before test. then If you take 4 aspirin and drink a lot of water prior to your drug screen you will pass with a false negative. However it only works while the aspirin are in your system. take 2 aspirin 2 hours before test, and drink a half of gallon of water. take 2 more aspirin 30 mins before test and drink another half gallon of water. Passed two test this way.