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Q: Can you still have a period and have a negative test but still be pregnant?
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If home pregnancy test negative can you still be pregnant and get your period?

No you can't be pregnant and still have your period. You can have a light bleed but not a period. As for the whole negative test thing, it could be a false negative.

Can you have a positive pregnancy test then a negative pregnancy test and light period and still be pregnant?


Can you take a pregnancy test while on your period and it still be right?

Yes, it will be negative because if you are having a period you are not pregnant.

If a pregnancy test was negative 2 days before expected period can you still be pregnant?

Who's pregnancy test? Yours?

How can you tell Im pregnant if im still having your period and pregnancy test are negative?

If you are on your period and u take a pregnancy test and its negative maybe you tested too early, your not pregnant or your eggs aren't coming together fast enough to tell if your pregnant or not .

You dont get a period because you are on the pill you tested negative but still feel pregnant?

If you're on the birth control pill and had a negative pregnancy test, it is not likely you are pregnant.

Can you have no period and negative pregnancy results and still be pregnant?

The negative pregnancy test is the defining answer, regarding pregnancy - once your period is a week or so late - if you are pregnant, the hCG will be high enough to be detected.

I have done two pregnancy test and they have both come out negative and my period still hasn't come could I be pregnant?

yes you are pregnant

Can you be pregnant if you have Abdominal cramps increased milky discharge late period but negative pregnancy test?

Yes you can take a pregnancy test that is negative and still be pregnant. As far as the milky discharge, that may be an infection.

If you get a negative result at night could you still be pregnant?

Will i be still be pregnant if i had a negative test result From Norena

How soon can you do a test to see if am pregnant?

You should wait until you have missed your period before you take a pregnancy test. If it is negative and you still have not gotten your period within a week, take another test.

You took a pregnancy test 1 week after ovulating and it was negative sould you still be pregnant?

No, I don't think so, you shouldn't get pregnant whilst you are on your period.