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No you cannot.

Awnser You can not tell a persons age, but you can determine other health factors (sugar levels, protine levels, other various things), that can be linked with different age groups. Though it would not stand up in a court of law.

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16y ago
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12y ago

Idiots on here. The person is asking as obviously they are trying to use someone else's urine to pass a drug test. If a 50 year old man turns in urine that is determined to be from a 16 year old man, and they can tell, that means the test is failed.

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15y ago

No ... and there is no need. Before taking the urine test they will ask for identification and on that ID, usually your license, will be your birthdate, so they will have it even before you ... uhh ... donate into the cup.

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11y ago

Drug tests per se can't. However, other very simple tests can do so, and those might be a standard part of a urine screening just to ensure no one is trying to cheat.

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13y ago

No, it just tells you how much is in your system, not how long it has been there

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12y ago

No. That is why during a urine drug test you are watched.

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Yes, you can test your blood sugar through a urine sample. The sample is checked with a colored dipstick that measures the presence of glucose in the urine. The blood sugar test with the blood sample is more accurate and more conventional.

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It is very common for a person who is menstruating to contaminate a urine sample. Of course, contaminated urine samples are very common in general.

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The reason to refrigerate urine after collecting a sample is to avoid bacteria from forming in it. If a sample of urine will be taken to a lab within an hour of collecting it, then it does not need refrigerated.

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Routine urine is 12 mL.

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Normally human urine does not have any cells in it. When examining the urine under the microscope, the technician will determine if it has 1+, 2+, or 3+ number of cells present. It does not represent a specific number, just that there are a lot of cells in the sample.

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No, your menstrual cycle doesn't affect your urine sample you provide to the doctor. When you menstrual cycle and urine comes from two different parts of your body.

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The best time of day for a proper urine sample is first thing in the morning. This is because the urine is more concentrated then.