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Bipolar disorder is a seriously debilitating conditon that can be life-threatening. You will find all sorts of information on the Web about people who claim to be able to control their symptoms (or other people's) non-medically. While much of this information is well-intentioned -- and some of it is designed to separate you from your money -- it is not necessarily applicable to individuals.

Each person has different brain chemistry. When it allows us to function without help, that's great. But sometimes the balance is a bit off, and we need medication to bring things back into line.

The answer to your question, therefore is "yes," it can be treated without medication, but there is only a small chance that such treatment will be as effective as it would be if supported by medication. Given the dangerous aspects of bipolar disorder, we cannot recommend it.

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14y ago
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14y ago

This is something that should be discussed with a psych doctor, who would explain how bipolar medications work. Bipolar mood disorder can be very debilitating and requires medication to stabilise the extreme highs and lows of the illness.

If it is any help to you, a close relative of mine has been on lithium for 15 years and it completely changed her life from one of misery, to one of being able to manage and run her life well.

This illness should NOT be managed without the help of a doctor. If a person had Parkinson's Disease or Multiple Sclerosis, they would seek the help of a doctor. So it should be with bipolar mood disorder.

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12y ago

Not really, as this condition is quite serious. To deal with most mental disorders you need theraphy and medication. A few changes in your lifestyle may be desirable too.

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13y ago

Yes, with tablets.

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11y ago

usually not

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Q: Can bipolar be treated without medication?
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Bipolar Disorder can be Treated With Medication?

Bipolar disorder can be treated with medication, but it can take time to find just the right combination of medications. A psychiatrist will evaluate your symptoms and determine which types of medications can be beneficial. Take your medication exactly as prescribed, and tell your doctor if you start to feel worse or have thoughts of suicide or harming yourself or others. Continue taking your medication, even if you start to feel better.

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no, it cannot be prevented. bipolar disorder is something you are born with. it seems to run in families but can skip generations. it is a chemical imbalance in your brain and can be treated with medication and counseling.

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Yes, but the episodes tend to not be as severe as they would be if not on medication.

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Yes, it could be. When someone that is bipolar is not on medication, they have feelings of invincibility and think they can do things like shoplifting without getting caught.

Is there such thing as a bipolar attack?

no, if you are bipolar you have to take medication, you don't have attacks

How do you deal with your bipolar disorder?

Treatment for bipolar is a combination of medication and psychotherapy.