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yes of course you can use aloe vera on nose piercing. it gives you a cooling effect and cures it soon. i had a nose piercing bumb erlier. i used aloe vera on it every day and night and now its gone.

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Q: Can you use aloe vera on your nose piercing?
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Aloe Juice and Aloe Vera juice are the same thing. The name is just different but they are both from the aloe vera plant.

What is the medicinal use of the aloe vera plant?

Aloe vera jel is used for skin diseases and its juice is anti-oxident

Aloe vera fr pregnancy?

Aloe Vera is not recommended for internal use. It is typically used externally for skin conditions. Aloe Vera may contain some substances that can be toxic to the unborn child.

Can you use a ear piercing cleaner on my nose?

Yes, you can use ear piercing cleaner on a nose piercing.

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aloe vera

Why you use aloe vera?

It's good for your skin.

Charcoal with aloe vera use as shoe shine?

Aloe vera can be a component in making your shoe shiner product. but it would be a fail the materials you are going to use is charcoal only.

What is the use of aloe vera plants in the production of aloe vera shampoo?

Aloe Vera plants have several uses. They give the skin hydration, promote a refreshed appearance, help to repair damaged skin, and are a good remedy for sun burns.

How can you fix burnt hair?

you must be patient, it will grow out, in the mean time use a good conditioner.Every time I showered when I had burnt hair, I used hair repair shampoo with aloe vera (or you can use aloe vera gel or anything with more than 50% aloe vera) and rinsed with ice cold water.

Is aloe vera water good in pragnancy?

Aloe vera water has plenty of minerals and gelatinous substances in it. Since it provides stimulus to the uterus, its use should be avoided in pregnancy.

What is uses of aloevera?

AnswerAloe is useful for suntan, scrapes, hair gel, and as a 'glue'.Juice from young aloe stems is used as a beverage.

Can Aloe Vera juice help your joints?

Tired musclesIf you have a supply of tea tree oil, you can mix this with aloe vera gel and use it as a bath wash. It can be very soothing and fragrant.