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By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that yes, kilometers can be used for measuring height.

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9y ago

You could if you wanted to, but it would be better to use meters or feet to describe the height of a tree. The kilometer is far too large a unit of measure for this purpose.

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Q: Could you use kilometers to describe the height of a tree?
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Do you measure the height of a tree in meters or kilometers?

kilometers * * * * * You could, but most people would use metres. A normal tree would be 5 to 20 metres in height - 0.005 kilometres to 0.020 km - although some in tropical forests and the giant redwoods are much taller.. General Sherman, the record holder is 83.8 metres in height (0.0838 kilometres).

Which metric units would probably be used to describe the height of a tree?


What is the height of banyan tree?

it can grow upto 400ft in height

Is meters used to measure the height of a tree?

with a tape measurer

What is the formula for working out the height of a tree?

Formula for working out height of a tree is (distance from eye to base of tree/distance from eye to base of stick) x length of stick = tree height.(distance from eye to base of tree/distance from eye to base of stick) x length of stick = tree height is the formula for working out height of a tree.

What is the average height of a Joshua tree?

The average height of a Joshua Tree is 17in.

What unit of measure for height of a tree?

Hold a yardstick perpendicular to the ground, and measure the shadow. Make a proportion, then measure the tree's shadow. Use the proportion to compute.

How do you estimate tree height?

You could always draw it out and do sin/cos/tan, but that's a little complex and you would need a protractor. You could estimate its height by comparing it to a building whose height you know.You can also hold a sick and move your legs, or the arm that is holding the stick, until the top of the stick seems to touch the top of the tree, and the bottom of the stick seems to touch the bottom of the tree. From there, you would swing the stick at a 90 degree angle and mark the point on the ground that the top of the stick seems to touch. Height of tree = distance from that point to the base of the tree.

What is the height of the tree iluvbatar?

the height is (20.5)

How can you know balance factor of height balance tree?

we can find the balance factor of highty balance tree with height of left subtree- height of right sub tree