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In most states, no. The statute of limitations in most states require that child support be requested before the child reaches the age of majority. If you are past the age of majority, your mother cannot request child support anymore.

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Q: Can your dad have to pay child support if he never did and your adult now?
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At 42 years old can you still get child support from your dad who never paid anything?

No. You have been an adult for some time and the statute of limitations has long passed.

You never got child support from your dad and your now 22 yrs old can you still get child support?

No, you had until your 19th birthday to file. Are you sure your mother never got any? A lot of relationships with mothers are being destroyed when adult children learn they were lied to.

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In Canada do you have to continue to pay child support for a child that's not mine?

no you should never have to pay for a child that is not yours i know as i am a child with a dad overseas and my sisters have a different dad and he does not have to pay for them

Is there a statute of limitations on going after child support mom never asked for child support now i am 32yrs old and mom wants dad to pay child support now. even thought told her not to. confused?

no yes when you turn 18

Does a dad have to pay to an adult child back child support?

If you mean retroactive support (i.e., support for a period prior to the entry of the first order), no. If you mean past-due support (i.e., support due pursuant to an order and not paid), that would be owed to the other parent and/or the state. There is no statute of limitations on collecting that.

Does my dad stop paying support for me if i have applied for wic at 17?

No, though you are making adult decisions, unfortunately, you are still viewed as a child. Unless he files to have you emancipated.

If a child visits the Dad for 3 weeks should he still pay the mother child support?

Honestly, I think the dad SHOULD pay child support even though I don't!!!

Does a dad have to pay child support if he the dad is still in high school?

If you are a father, you have to pay child support if the court says so. The age of the father does not matter.

If dad never paid child support now you are 55 years old can I still claim my child support owed?

I believe all child support owed is always there and can still be enforced.I know someone who is in their 30's and their mother is now finally getting the child support owed to her out of her ex's social security income.

In Alabama if someone adopts a child does dad have to still pay child support?


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