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Q: Can your parents call the police on a family helping you after you moved out at the age of 17 in South Carolina?
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I am 17 and live in North Carolina. Without running away-- or parental consent-- can I move out.. Possibly with a family member or my 21 year old boyfriend.. what could police or parents do?

if your parents contact the police they can either bring you home or you could even be sent to juvy

Can a 17 year old girl who will b 18 in 6 months leave her parents home in vingnia and go live with family in North Carolina and the parents or police cant make her go back home to her parents?

No she has to wait till she is 18

What happens to a child when they call the police on their parents?

It depends on the reason for the call and the outcome of the police visit. If the child calls to report the parents for a crime, and the parents are arrested, the child will probably be placed with a family member or child services.

How can you get addopted by another family?

The only way to get adopted by another family is if your parents are abusive towards you and you report to the police and they'll sort it out.

Why did ned kelly's mother go to jail?

she was sent to jail because the police thought that she and other family members were helping Ned.

What is Carolina Police Department's motto?

Carolina Police Department's motto is 'Honor, Integrity, Service'.

In the State of Kentucky can a 16-year-old live with a friend and her family without her parents' consenting to the move?

Not legally. If you're parents report you missing, the police can pick you up and arrest the family.

What to do if your ex boyfriend threatening you and your family all the time with the phone calls?

You dump your tell your parents and call the police.

How old do you have to be to get a gun license in South Carolina?

Your parents determint that. They should contact the local police to find out if there is a local or state age limit.

If your child is 16 and runs away can the parents or the police make her come back home in the state of North Carolina?

The age of majority in NC is 18. But at 16 you can petition for emancipation.

On total drama island how many people is in duncan family?

Duncan's immediate family is him, his parents, and his brothers. It is never said how many brothers he has. His extended family is his aunt, cousins, and his grandmother. They are all police officers.

What is a parents rights in Illinois when their child is picked up by the police?

child turned her self in to police, probably to avoid answering where she was; now they are threatening to take away other three children if i dont release my daughter to my mother, who i believe was involved in helping her run away.