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Yes, they are about the same size and they both community fish.

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Q: Can zebra danios guppies and platies live together?
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What can live with neon tetras?

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Which breeds faster zebra danios or guppies?

id say guppies, they breed like rabbits

What fish can you put with an axelotl?

None or they will be treated as food, unless they are as big as the Axelotle.

How do you breed glofish?

GloFish are a patented product and breeding is restricted by law. GloFish are genetically engineered zebra danios. Breed them will not produce GloFish that are true to color. They will look like regular zebra danios. They are egg layers. If you have males and females together you will get fry.

Do albion zebra fish like a bit of salt water?

Do you mean albino zebrafish, as in zebra danios? If so, not at all! They are a freshwater fish.If they are not zebra danios, I can't find them by the name "albion zebra fish," and I haven't heard of them.

What combination of fish including guppies would make a tranquil tank?

Guppies, zebra danios or the zebra danio glofish, and a few Kuhlii loaches are a good choice. All these fish should have friends of their own species for company. Also if you toss in a mystery snail (not a ramhorn) and some Japanese Moss Balls it looks really cool.

Do zebra danios get along with goldfish?

yes unless the zebra danio can fit in its mouth

Where do zebra danios live?

i think they come from India or near there anyway

Will killifish do well with zebra danios?

No killifish like to nip at fins.

Are zebra danios vicious towards mollys or tetras?

Under normal circumstances zebra danios are not vicious towards anything. However if their diet is lacking in protein they could well do some fin nipping of any other slower moving fish.

Can you breed your glofish?

You will want to remove the Goldfish. Goldfish can only live with Koi, also guppies and Glofish are tropical fish and need water temps. between 72-82 degrees. The Petco Compatibility Chart is also helpful.

Will a Siamese fighter eat zebra danios and neon tetra?

No, the Siamese fighter shouldn't bother them.