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Stem cells

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Q: Cells that can become any other cell type?
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What type of cell can differentiate into any kind of cell?

A stem cell can become any other type of specialized cell.

What type of embryonic cells have the potential to become any cell?

Stem Cells stem cells

What cells can become any type of cells in the body?

Only totipotent and pluripotent stem cells. Totipotent can become any cell type, because they come from a 3-day-embryo. Pluripotent are already differentiated cells, coming from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst kai can become any tissue cell type or any organ. Pluripotent can be extracted from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst the 5th day after the fertilization. This has ethical drawbacks. That's why the scientists are trying to extract stem cells from only one cell from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst.

What the first few cells that form because they can become any type of cell?

The first few cell that form a ZYGOTE are said to be PLURIPOTENT because they can become any type of cell.

What type of cell are stem stem cell described as?

Stem cells are considered as undifferentiated cells. They will divide and divide forming more stem cells. The two main stem cell types are embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Only the embryonic stem cells can become any type of tissue. Embryonic stem cells have the potential to become any type of cell in the body. There is news as of 2015 that perhaps blindness can be cured using these embryonic stem cells.

What is a type of white blood cell that surrounds and kills invading cells This type of cell also removes dead cells and stimulates the action of other immune cells?

a macrophage

What is the source of new cells?

Other cells. It is called mitosis. A type of cell reproduction.

What type of cells has cells walls?

Animals and some protozoans lack a celll wall.Every other cell has a cell wall.

What type of structure would help nerve cells carry out this function?

It helps the cell connect with other nerve cells It helps the cell connect with other nerve cells

What type of cell division does your body cells undergo And why can your body cells ONLY use this type of cell division?

Body cells undergo mitotic cell division so that each daughter cell is genetically identical to each parent cell and to all other body cells.

What type of cell reproduction makes egg cells?

Meiosis is the name of the type of cell division that forms eggs and sperm. Mitosis is the other kind of cell reproduction, which forms most other types of cells.

What cell type is most important for cell formation?

stem cells They are unspecialised and can become specialised to perform certain function