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Yes, this is common during ovulation. The cervix generally gets soft and the hole in the middle opens up more.

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Q: Cervix tender Around and or during ovulation. Is this Normal Or a sign of Ovulation?
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You are getting swollen breasts at ovulation is this normal?

Swelling and tenderness of the breasts around ovulation time can be normal.

Which symptoms of ovulation are considered normal?

For the majority of women, ovulation starts every 23 to 35 days but this can be delayed due to environmental factors such as stress. Ovulation pain is one of the common symptoms of ovulation and is felt as a pain around the lower abdomen. A drop in body temperature is also noticed during ovulation and a normal increase is faced after ovulation. The cervical mucus will also be watery like a raw egg-white during this period, these symptoms are all normal symptoms to face during the period of ovulation.

Is it normal for the cervix to feel spongy and swollen at 3 weeks pregnant?

First of all, no-one would be able to tell if they were only 3 weeks pregnant (this means a week after ovulation!) if your going off your ovulation, then yes it can feel spongy & swollen - the reason for the swelling is, increased blood flow, therefore your cervix would be blue also, which is very normal.

Can your ovulation days be longer then 14 days?

Yes.If your periods are irregular ovulation can acour later then normal.

What is a normal ovulation cycle?

A normal ovulation is when your LH phase is between 10-16 days long. This phase can not be counted from the 1st day of your period rather is is counted from you ovulation date to your period. This shows that the uterus has a healthy environment for immplantation. To determine when you ovulate you must temp or use OPK (Ovulation prediction kits)

How can one go about creating an ovulation calendar?

The way to create an ovulation calendar is to have a normal calendar and mark off on it when the woman has her period. Then ovulation is usually ten days or so after that.

Is ovulation and sore nipples sign of pregnancy or hormone imbalance?

You don't ovulate if you are pregnant and if you are not pregnant ovulation is perfectly normal.

Feelings in both ovaries after ovulation is that a sign of pregnancy?

No. This is normal and you may feel little pains or cramps every month around the time of ovulation. The main sign of pregnancy is a lack of a period.

Is it normal for a woman to be on there perion during ovulation?


Why are you having cramps weeks before your period?

This is normal. Women usually get cramps during ovulation and ovulation occurs a few weeks before your period

Is it normal toc cramp after your poriod?

Yes, you can have cramping during ovulation.

When should you use the Ovulation test?

You should start an ovulation test one to two days before you think you may start ovulating. Ovulation usually begins midway in your cycle. Generally between day 13 and day 17 of a normal cycle.