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Chemotherapy has different effect on different individuals< To learn more about this go to the related link(Kids health Chemotherapy) below.

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Q: Chemotherapy side effects on children
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Where can I find more information on the effects of chemotherapy?

You can visit for more information on chemotherapy side effects.

Where can I find information about the effects of chemotherapy?

You can find information on the side effects of chemotherapy by visiting Talk to your doctor if you are concerned.

What are some of the side effects of mesothelioma chemotherapy?

Some of the side effects of mesothelioma chemotherapy are nausea and vomiting, fatigue, mouth sores, diarrhea and constipation, and hair loss. Blood cell side effects, drug-specific side effects, and rarer, more serious side effects, such as high fever and unexplained bruising, can also occur.

How dangerous are the effects of chemotherapy?

The effects of chemotherapy can be very dangerous. Some of the side effects include infection, dehydration, blood in the urine, and blood clots, and a condition called Thrombocytopenia.

What are the risks of chemotherapy drugs?

Side effects of chemotherapy drugs can be significant. Each drug has different side effects. Ask your doctor about the side effects of the particular drugs you'll receive.Side effects that occur during chemotherapy treatmentMore common side effects of chemotherapy drugs that can occur during treatment include:NauseaVomitingDiarrheaHair lossLoss of appetiteFatigueFeverMouth soresPainConstipationEasy bruisingMany of these side effects can be prevented or treated. Most side effects subside after treatment ends.Long-lasting and late-developing side effectsChemotherapy drugs can also cause side effects that don't become evident until months or years after treatment. Late side effects vary depending on the chemotherapy drug, but can include:Damage to lung tissueHeart problemsInfertilityKidney problemsNerve damage (peripheral neuropathy)Risk of a second cancerAsk your doctor if you have a risk of any late side effects. Ask what signs and symptoms you should be alert for that may signal a problem.

What are the risk of chemotherapy?

Side effects of chemotherapy drugs can be significant. Each drug has different side effects. Ask your doctor about the side effects of the particular drugs you'll receive.Side effects that occur during chemotherapy treatmentMore common side effects of chemotherapy drugs that can occur during treatment include:NauseaVomitingDiarrheaHair lossLoss of appetiteFatigueFeverMouth soresPainConstipationEasy bruisingMany of these side effects can be prevented or treated. Most side effects subside after treatment ends.Long-lasting and late-developing side effectsChemotherapy drugs can also cause side effects that don't become evident until months or years after treatment. Late side effects vary depending on the chemotherapy drug, but can include:Damage to lung tissueHeart problemsInfertilityKidney problemsNerve damage (peripheral neuropathy)Risk of a second cancerAsk your doctor if you have a risk of any late side effects. Ask what signs and symptoms you should be alert for that may signal a problem.

What are the side effects of cancer treatment?

Side effects from chemotherapy can include pain, diarrhea, constipation, mouth sores, hair loss, nausea and vomiting, and blood- related side effects.

What is an example of allopathic treatment for Hodgkin's disease?

Both chemotherapy and radiation therapy have unfortunate side effects. Chemotherapy can result in nausea

What are the side effects of chemotherapy?

There are alot of side effects beginning with nausea being the most common. In some cases, there is hair loss and severe lethargy among many other effects depending on the type and amount of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy has a wide range of side effects. Most notable are the hair loss and extreme nausea associate with chemo treatments. Some patients also report severe migraine headaches.

When treating breast cancer what are some side effects of chemotherapy?

The side effects of chemotherapy are many. Hair loss is perhaps the most well known and dreaded side effect of these medications. However, one can also expect weakness, fatigue, diarrhea, and nausea.

What exactly are the worst effects of chemotherapy?

Unfortunately the side effects of chemotherapy can be fairly troublesome. One such side effect is depression of the immune system leaving the patient more vulnerable to infections and sickness. Chemotherapy can also be physically tiring or even exhausting. Some consider this worse than others but chemotherapy can also lead to hair loss.

CAN chemo cause bleeding in the eye?

There are several possible effects of chemotherapy on eyes, since chemotherapy is a lump term that describes treatment through use of drugs. These effects would depend on what type of chemotherapy. You should consult your doctor about the specific side-effects of your specific type of chemotherapy.