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Nope, just the egg.

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Q: Chicken evolved from another animal
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What came first the wheelbarrow or the chicken or the egg?

I personally think the chicken came before the egg, and it evolved from another bird or animal. Chickens are older than wheelbarrows, because chickens are known to be an old species.

How did the chicken get its wing?

it evolved them

Are wolves evolved from another animal?

Well wolves evolved from dogs. But just much differently. -your actually wrong dogs came from wolves.

What is the evolution of chickens?

early vertebrate-->early bird-->chicken

Who came first chick or the egg?

In a study conducted by the University of Arizona, the chicken came first. They discovered that our modern day chicken came from the dinosaurs, and not all dinosaurs laid eggs. Said dinosaur gave live birth, but after whatever catastrophic event made them extinct, the species adapted and evolved to lay eggs (to protect their off-spring). So the dinosaur adapted and evolved to an egg-laying mammal, and that animal evolved into a chicken. Then the chicken laid the egg. So technically, the dinosaur came first, but that's not an option. So it was the chicken that came first.

What animal do scientists think penguins evolved from?

Penguins evolved from birds. :)

1 animal that has been evolved?

Virtually all animals have "evolved".

Is a chicken a mineral?

No, a chicken is an animal.

Did the egg come first or the hen?

This is not so hard to answer as it often seems. Animals reproduce, some in one way and others in another, but all ultimately come from modified DNA. Since DNA can only be changed before birth (of whatever form), a mutation that created the chicken must have taken place at conception within an animal similar to a chicken. That animal then laid the egg. If you think about it, they were both evolved together. This is highly simplified, of course.

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A animal that is hunted by another animal is a what?

i think that it's called the animals prey like say a fox hunts a chicken than it would be looking for its prey. Get it?

Can you prove was the chicken first or egg?

Dinosaurs evolved before chickens .