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Obtain a bell jar with a valve at the top, place the bell jar on a smooth flat surface. connect the valve to a vacuum pump through a rigid hose. Place a manual wind up spring alarm clock under the bell jar. Seal the bottom lip of the bell jar with petroleum jelly and ensure there are no gaps between the bell jar and the surface. Note the ticking of the clock. Start the vacuum pump and observe when the internal pressure begins to drop. Stop the vacuum pump and close the valve. Listen to the clocks ticking. Re start the vacuum pump and note the pressure drop, close the valve and listen to the ticking clock. As the pressure decreases the sounds of the clock will get fainter and fainter because there is less of the material medium (Air) to transfer the sound.

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Q: Cite an experiment to show that sound needs a material medium for its propagation?
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What do conduction and convection do that radiation does notwhat does radiation use instead?

Conduction and convection badly needs material medium but radiation does not need a material medium as an essential one. It could traverse even in free space in the form of electromagnetic waves

What is daughter material?

The material that needs help!!

What is the method of sexual propagation in plant?

Sexual propagation is a process by which plants reproduce, in which pollen from one plant fertilizes the ovary or ovaries from another, producing one or more seeds. It can be contrasted to asexual propagation in which new plants are created from divided plant parts (cuttings), stolons or runners, storage organs such as bulbs or tubers, or any of a number of other ways.

Is there sound in a vacuum?

No, you can not produce sound in a vacuum. Sound wave needs medium (for example air) to travel unlike electromagnetic wave which can travel through empty space.actually, sound wave does not propagate itself rather it needs a medium by which sound particle can transfer there energy from one place to other, so it seems like moving. for eg. when u throw a stone in water ,some ripples form in water they seems to moving but not. like this sound propagate. hence it requires medium

Is space silent?

Quite easy to understand, really. Sound needs a material substance to travel through from place to place. The one we're most familiar with is air, but sound travels very easily through steel, glass, wood, water, etc. There's no material substance in space, so sound just can't travel from place to place. And that's all there is to the whole story.

Related questions

Why can't a sound wave travel through a vacuum?

It needs a material medium for propagation

Why are sound waves longdatudinal waves?

These waves cannot pass through free space. They needs a material medium essentially for their propagation. So they are called longitudinal waves (in air).

What type of a mechanical wave needs energy to produce it?

all wave are produced by a source but mechanical waves requires material medium to propagate it e.g is sound wave which is a mechanical wave needs material medium for it's propagation i.e material medium like air molecule,sound travels by vibration of air molecule that's why sound can't travel in a vacuum.....

What is the medium of wave propagation?

The "medium" for a wave is whatever the wave goes through - or more precisely, whatever it needs, in order to propagate. In this case, the Earth.

What is the medium propagation of earhquake waves?

The Earth itself is.

Sound is reallly an example of?

Sound is really an example of wave propagation of energy. Energy could be transported by two modes. One is by the particles. A good example is electrical energy in the form of current is carried over by the particles such as electrons. The other one is by wave propagation. Wave too is further divided into mechanical and electromagnetic. Mechanical wave badly needs a material medium to get propagated but electromagnetic does not need a material medium. Sound is an example for mechanical wave and light is an example for electromagnetic wave.

Why sound of explosion are not heard by us which occur on sun?

Sound is a mechanincal vibration which badly needs a material medium. But there is no material medium in between sun and earth

What determines the velocity of sound wave?

Sound waves are longitudinal waves in air. Velocity of sound waves in air at NTP = 332 m/s. Sound waves cannot pass through free space they essentially needs material medium for their propagation.

Do air particles travel with sound sound waves?

since sound needs a medium for its propagation , it requires air particles to travel along with its waves.

How is energy transferred from place to place?

Energy can be transformed by two means. One is by the movement of particles and other by wave motion. For particle movement, electrical energy transfer is a good example. Electrical energy is transformed from one place to the other place by the movement of electron particles in case of metallic wires and by positive and negative ions in case of fluids. For wave motion, examples are sound propagation and light propagation. Sound wave is a mechanical wave which needs a material medium. But light wave is an electromagnetic wave which does not need essentially a material medium.

Is sound a medium wave?

No. Waves that require a medium to travel in are called mechanical waves. Electromagnetic waves are not mechanical waves and do not require a medium.

What type of wave does sound travel on and how is this different to the wave light travels on?

Sound wave is a mechanical wave. It means that, for propagation, it badly needs a material medium. But, light waves are not mechanical waves. They are electromagnetic waves. It does not need a material medium. It can pass even through vacuum. Sound wave is longitudinal in nature where as light waves are transverse in nature. Being transverse, light can be polarized. But, sound waves being longitudinal cannot be polarized.