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Q: Clay's American system would allow congress to protect northern industry with what import?
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Who did the northern states want to control all foreign trade?

To escape the heavy tariffs that Congress was levying on imports, to protect American industry - which was nearly all in the North.

How did the protective tariffs help American industry after the war of 1812?

The tariff was a protective tariff passed by the congress of the united states designed to protect industry in the northern united states. (:

How did Congress protect the New England textile industry?

Congress imposed tariffs (taxes on imports or exports) to protect the New England textile industry.

What is the responsability of congress?

Defend and protect the American people Defend and protect the American people

Why did the congress pass the Chinese exclusion act?

to protect American workers

How did the US' laissez-faire economic policies benefit business during industralization?

Congress had imposed new tariffs to protect American industry from foreign competition.

Why did the southern states want to control their own trade?

To escape the heavy tariffs that Congress was levying on imports, to protect American industry - which was nearly all in the North.

How did the Congress protect American industry after the war of 1812?

After the War of 1812, Congress enacted a tariff on goods being imported from other countries. The tariff raised the price on the products coming into the country. This made it easier for American companies to compete for the business of consumers.

What is problem that led to the civil war?

slavery states rights Tariffs on imported goods, to protect Northern manufacturing industry. Congress was able to levy these tariffs because the Northern states dominated the vote. The South only had one industry - cotton - so it needed many imports. It saw the tariffs as a hostile tax on the South.

Why did the north support the tarriff?

Because it would protect Northern industry against cheap imports.

Why did the north support the tarriffs?

Because it would protect Northern industry against cheap imports.

What was the t ax hated by the south and needed to protect northern industry?

Tariffs on imports - having no industry, the South depended largely on imports.