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Q: Coal fired plants release 100 times more radioactivity than nuclear power plants due to the natural presence of thorium and uranium in the coal true or false?
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What is the release of nuclear particles and energy?


What are two kinds of nuclear energy?

Not sure what sort of cloud you are referring to. Nuclear reactions release energy as heat and as radioactivity.

What is the spontaneous release of particles or radiation from the nucleus of an atom called?

This is known as nuclear fission; the type of reaction that brings us nuclear power.

Is one of the biggest concerns about nuclear power?

The radioactivity of the spent fuel, and the possibility of release to the surroundingsThe biggest concern about nuclear power is the possible meltdown of the reactor causing a massive release of radiation material into the atmosphere.

What is one of the biggest concerns about nuclear power?

The radioactivity of the spent fuel, and the possibility of release to the surroundingsThe biggest concern about nuclear power is the possible meltdown of the reactor causing a massive release of radiation material into the atmosphere.

If a nuclear weapon exploded on a nuclear Power Plant would the explosion radius increase?

No, but there would be more release of radioactivity because the reactor itself would probably be melted in the explosion.

Why is nuclear energy is dangerous to living things?

Radioactivity causes damage to living tissues, and if high enough can cause death by failure of vital organs or blood disorders. The nuclear industry is only possible because it has been designed and engineered and operated to very high standards so that release of radioactivity is avoided.

Is radioactivity natural?

yes, radioactivity is natural. It is the natural process by which elements having neutron-proton ratio more than 1.5 disintegrate the nucleus to release particles like alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, positrons etc. This process continues until the nucleus of the atom is stable with the neutron-proton ration less than or equal to 1.5. Usually the natural process of radioactivity ends with the formation of Lead.

What exactly is the difference between nuclear fission and radioactivity?

this actually really funny because im looking for the same answer but i believe that the answer is a chemical activity is undergoing a chemical change while radioactivity is emission of radition

How is nuclear pollution caused?

It can be caused by reactor accidents that release radioactivity, like the Chernobyl disaster. Fortunately that type of incident is most unlikely with the US and EU designs of reactors. It can also be caused by nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, but these are now banned by international agreement

How does being in proximity to nuclear power generation affect my family's safety?

The presence of nuclear power plants may affect public health in many ways. Primarily, the release of radiation by nuclear power plants into the surrounding areas is known to have hazardous effects on public health. Nuclear power plants can also affect the health of the local environment and natural wildlife. Additionally Read more: Health Effects of Nuclear Power Plants |

Radioactivity is caused due to?

Radioactivity refers to the particles which are emitted from nuclei as a result of nuclear instability. Because the nucleus experiences the intense conflict between the two strongest forces in nature, it should not be surprising that there are many nuclear isotopes which are unstable and emit some kind of radiation. The most common types of radiation are called alpha, beta, and gamma radiation, but there are several other varieties of radioactive decay. Radioactive decay rates are normally stated in terms of their half-lives, and the half-life of a given nuclear species is related to its radiation risk. The different types of radioactivity lead to different decay paths which transmute the nuclei into other chemical elements. Examining the amounts of the decay products makes possible radioactive dating. Radiation from nuclear sources is distributed equally in all directions, obeying the inverse square law.