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Codename was - The Manhattan Project.

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Q: Codename of the American development of the atom bomb?
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What was the atomic bomb on Hiroshima?

Do you mean the name/codename if so its codename was "Little Boy"

How was oppenheimer involved with the atomic bomb?

Oppenheimer was the scientific director of the development of the atom bomb in New Mexico.

What was the codename for the bomb on nagasaki?

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What is the Codename for the atomic bomb program?

The Manhatten Project.

What happened to Hiroshima in 1945?

It was hit with an American atom bomb.

Manhattan Project to build the atomic bomb?

Yes, that was its codename.

The atom is the smallest bomb?

An atom is not a bomb.

What was the codename of the first atomic bomb dropped in hiroshima?

The Manhattan project.

What was the codename of the first atomic bomb?

The project was called the Manhatten Project

What was the codename for the project in the US that developed the atomic bomb?

Project Manhattan.

What is the name of a German chemist and Physicist who split the Uranium Atom in 1938 and also considered as the father of atom bomb?

Robert Julius Oppenheimer is credited with being the Father of the Atom bomb, but he was American.

What is stronger a nuke or atom bomb?

atom bomb