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Aunt Alexandra believes in the importance of family heritage and maintaining the reputation of the Finches through selective breeding. Atticus tells them to forget it because he values individual qualities and principles over superficial traits or family lineage, believing that everyone should be judged based on their character and actions rather than their bloodline. Atticus prioritizes personal integrity and empathy over societal expectations or status.

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Q: Comment on aunt alexandra's ideas about breeding and family Why does atticus tell them to forget it?
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What are Aunt Alexandras ideas about breeding and family?

Aunt Alexandra believes that family lineage and heritage are essential, and values the concept of breeding within a certain social class to maintain traditions and reputation. She is concerned with upholding the family's reputation and is critical of those who do not meet her standards.

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Atticus responds by explaining that Calpurnia is more than just a cook or maid, she is an important part of their family who has raised and cared for his children. He values her role in their lives and believes they still need her presence and care.

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